250. You Draw, I Guess_1

After chatting with the elderly gentleman for over ten minutes, Lu Ban left feeling quite satisfied.

Although the other party was not a "Chosen by Gods," his understanding of the world might have been clearer than anyone else in this hospital.

Such people were few and far between now.

Watching Lu Ban's contemplative expression, the young nurse suddenly felt afraid.

"Could it be that he was infected while talking to those patients?"

"Are there any more severe cases?"

Lu Ban felt that he now had many inspirations.

"...There is one, but her emotional reactions are quite intense."

The young nurse remembered a patient who had been admitted to the hospital not long ago.

"No worries, you saw how well I got along with the old fellow just now, it won't be a problem."

Lu Ban was brimming with confidence.

He and the nurse arrived at another ward, which was a bit unusual, with a glass wall dividing it in the middle like those visiting rooms in prisons.