
Jiangcheng District, inside a barbecue restaurant.

From the floor-to-ceiling windows, one could overlook the night view of Lingjiang. Pleasure boats swayed on the river, and on the riverside promenade, people came and went, with a variety of shops lining the way, attracting pedestrians to pause.

Tomorrow would be the first day of the college entrance examination; there were also some related banners on the streets, but for Lu Ban, all that was something from several years ago.

What made this barbecue restaurant famous was its butter-aged steak. The so-called aging process involved using certain methods to store fresh meat for a period, enhancing its flavor, somewhat similar in technique to the production of ham.

However, Lu Ban didn't actually think the aged meat tasted that much better, and even felt that cutting away so much meat was a bit wasteful.

He was a frugal person, not caring about costs did not mean he would spend money rashly.