288. Let's travel together! (Monthly ticket extra update!)_1

Subconsciously, Lu Ban's hand materialized "Testament."

Feng Yu, having been replaced once, might very well be replaced a second time.

Who knows if the person standing before Lu Ban now is really her.

"Don't be tense."

The corners of Feng Yu's mouth curled upwards even more, as if mocking Lu Ban for making a mountain out of a molehill.

"It's just a little pollution, like the plants on your body, within a controllable range of mutation."

She stepped back, straightening her collar, and to all appearances, Feng Yu was indistinguishable from any other human.

"This is the price of acquiring knowledge. If this body suffers too much pollution, I might have to switch to a new one sooner. Perhaps the next time we meet, I could be Qin Tiantian."

Feng Yu spoke softly about these terrifying matters.


Lu Ban was at a loss for words.

After spending time with Feng Yu, one would subconsciously overlook certain things.