Chapter 11: Happy to Be a Dad?!_1

Wang Yue carefully took out the separated fragment and extended the lens into it, gradually...

The internal structure and images appeared on the large screen!

Xu Changsheng snapped back to reality and looked up at the screen, and with just one glance, he was stunned!

The others were equally thunderstruck, frozen in place!

"What... What is this thing?"

"This is..."

"It looks like a person!"

That's right!

Xu Changsheng clearly saw that this eerie growth was humanoid in form!

Perhaps it shouldn't be likened to a person, because... this thing had already taken the shape of one.

Not to mention the arms and legs, even the head was well-formed, complete with a nose, eyes, ears...

What on earth is this?

How could this be a mere growth, this was clearly a tiny person!

Xu Changsheng swallowed hard, suddenly feeling that this world was too damn crazy... Could a brain actually become pregnant?!

And... there was a "child" inside Lao Zhao's head.

What about his own head?

Thinking that there could be a child inside his own brain made Xu Changsheng's emotions incredibly complex.

He had crossed over into this world and done nothing but become a father?!

The key was, he didn't even know who the mother of the child was?!

This was truly an unexpected joy of fatherhood.

This bizarre phenomenon instantly baffled everyone present.

No one had ever seen such a scene before.

The "little person" was clearly not fully developed; its body was connected to multiple blood vessels within the skull, and the pineal gland was connected to the little person's head.

The entire image had an indescribable sense of harmony!

This completely stumped everyone.

What to do?

The humanoid growth before them had everyone as if electrocuted, their minds in a semi-dazed state.

What kind of creature was this?

Was it human?

Or perhaps a hybrid of a bizarre human?

Everyone's expressions changed constantly, and a feeling of fear slowly began to spread.

What kind of anomaly was this?

Could anything unexpected occur during the surgery?

No one had any idea!

Zeng Qiang sucked in a deep breath, feeling rather worried!

What to do?

Seven or eight pairs of eyes around him stared at him.

This made Zeng Qiang somewhat frazzled.

At this moment, the broadcast sounded once again:

"Attention all operating rooms, please strip the growth without damaging the brain! Remember, the growth may have a symbiotic relationship with the brain, and should the brain die, it might disappear instantly!"

"Attention all departments..."

"The department that completes the surgery will be rewarded with 300 Points and 300 Contribution Value!"

With these words echoing.

The crowd was not too inspired!

The Points were plenty, and the Contribution Value was substantial!

But... One must first have the chance to obtain them!

Not to mention whether the little person posed any danger, the intricate maze of blood vessels, the delicate brain tissue, and the pineal gland closely adherent to the little person, these factors already made the surgery nearly impossible!

Yang Huancheng had been staring at the large screen when suddenly his expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "No! Director, take a look—this 'little person' is continuously growing."

The crowd followed his voice, and indeed, they saw the little person drawing blood from the entire skull, ceaselessly perfecting itself.

In both form and size, it was increasingly taking on the appearance of a "person."

Instantly, everyone grew even more tense.

"It's difficult to remove," lamented Zeng Qiang, suppressing his inner dread. He wasn't swayed by the announcement just now.

Wang Yue also had a worried look: "Yes, this... It's utterly impossible to save both. To excise the growth without affecting the cranial blood vessels and causing brain death is practically unrealistic!"

Time ticked away by the second.

Zeng Qiang and the others were nervously at a loss, unsure of how to proceed.

But, the little person inside the head was slowly becoming more complete!

Was he just supposed to watch as this little person took shape?

No one knew what the outcome would be when that happened!

However, Zeng Qiang decided to take action.

After all, he knew very well that this surgery was difficult for himself, but also not simple for the others.

Rather than hesitate, it seemed better to give it a try!

"Wang Yue, get ready to operate!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yue nodded, and the Mechanical Arm in his hand once again transformed into separating forceps.

The group began the surgery once more!

Xu Changsheng stood by, watching. To tell the truth, based on the others' pace, the surgery would undoubtedly result in significant blood loss, perhaps even failure!

But he didn't say much, nor did he rashly step forward!

Because he knew that at this moment, there must be many important figures observing this very surgery.

And so, gradually...

Xu Changsheng stared into the little person's eyes, when suddenly a system notification appeared:

[The Fruit of Humanity, fostered by the Mysterious Seed: It contains a large amount of essence of humanity, can neutralize the negative impact of soul erosion, a magical item unique to humans, and extremely valuable for research!]

[Task requirement: Collect samples!]

[Task reward: 1. Mysterious Seed Extract (with a certain chance of inducing Soul Evolution); 2. Pure Soul Fragment (can increase Soul Strength); 3. Physical Strength +2;]

Seeing the system rewards, Xu Changsheng felt a surge of excitement inside him.

A Soul Fragment that can increase Soul Strength!

At this moment, Soul Strength was practically equivalent to lifespan in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

Not to mention, there was the Mysterious Seed Extract, an item that could stimulate Soul Evolution!

As well as the tangible Physical Strength +2!

Should he give it a try?

At this time, he hesitated.

The system rewards were too rich!

But... after pondering carefully, he suddenly felt a tightness in his brow.

Fruits of Humanity fostered by the Mysterious Seed?

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng thought of his state of Soul Stripping.

Could the price of fostering humanity... be using the soul as nourishment?

Xu Changsheng's heart skipped a beat.

He meticulously read through the introduction.


Human nature is something unique to humanity, capable of neutralizing the negative effects brought on by soul erosion.

Xu Changsheng instantly had a guess about the killer!

It must be someone who needs human nature to neutralize the negative impact.

Who could it be?

Could it be someone from the research institute?

Otherwise, why are all the victims employees of the research institute, rather than people from outside?

Similarly, could this person also be watching this surgery!?

At this thought, Xu Changsheng felt a chill running down his spine.

Suddenly, he had the sensation of being prey targeted by a ferocious beast!


Just at this moment, there was a slight mishap in Zeng Qiang's surgery!

A scalpel nicked a small blood vessel.

Blood instantly began to seep out!

Immediately after, a bizarre cry rang out.

"Wa wa wa..."

The sound was akin to the cry of a baby, shrill and piercing!

Everyone swiftly became alert.

However, after a moment... it seemed that nothing unusual happened.

And the sound gradually disappeared.

Inside the operating room, quiet returned once more.

Everyone's alertness slowly relaxed.

Zeng Qiang held the scalpel, continuing the operation, while Wang Yue quickly used a bipolar coagulator to carefully stop the bleeding from the ruptured vessel.

After a moment, Wang Yue said to Zhao Ze beside him:

"Zhao Ze, come, take care of this area."

"Zhao Ze?"

Seeing that Zhao Ze did not react, Wang Yue turned around, and suddenly!

A knife stabbed at him from behind!

Wang Yue was quick to react, using the Mechanical Arm to brace against the attacking blade!

Upon a closer look!

Zhao Ze's head had suddenly dropped off!

Blood gushed out like a fountain, spraying from the carotid artery!

This scene terrified everyone.

Xu Changsheng's face also changed color.

This time!

It was not an illusion!

Zhao Ze was indeed dead.

But he died so quickly that his body, still holding its original posture out of inertia, allowed blood to gush forth endlessly.



"Clang clang"

The sound of metal clashing and scraping against metal instantly filled the operating room.

Looking in the direction of the noise, it was discovered that it was Wang Yue struggling to fend off an attack from Director Zeng Qiang!

At this moment, Zeng Qiang's eyes were bloodshot, drool ran from his mouth, and his face bore a vicious, cruel grin.

Occasionally, he would blurt out half a sentence:

"How dare you cut me!"

"It hurts so much!"

"You all deserve to die!"

That's right!

Zeng Qiang had undergone a mutation!

Xu Changsheng really hadn't expected Zeng Qiang to be so powerful; his strength seemed to be equal to Wang Yue's, who had a Grade G Mechanical Arm, and even his speed was faster and more agile!

What exactly happened?!

For a moment!

The people in the operating room hurriedly took cover.

Soon, Wang Yue could no longer hold on.

Zeng Qiang's knife sliced through his surgical gown and stabbed into his abdomen!

Zeng Qiang turned around and continued to seek his next prey.


"Who else wants to kill me?"

And at the same time!

Xiao Huzi's expression changed fleetingly as he watched the surgery from the 33rd floor.

He noticed that chaos had erupted in all six operating rooms.

He immediately gave an order!

The doors to the operating rooms flew open, and several fully armed men who were guarding outside rushed in.

At that moment, Zeng Qiang suddenly saw Xu Changsheng and paused in astonishment.


Yet, in that split second!

Zeng Qiang was promptly brought down by a stun gun, and a tranquilizer was swiftly injected, causing him to faint away!

The scene by now was in total disarray!

Several surgeons had been injured at the same time!

But Xu Changsheng's face changed color.

Because he noticed that Zeng Qiang had a different reaction when facing him.

Could it be...

Because he had something similar in his mind?

Could the mutated Zeng Qiang sense it?

Fortunately, Zeng Qiang had fainted.

In the midst of the rapid events just now, no one had noticed this anomaly, not even the people watching from the 33rd floor.

In the video feed, Zeng Qiang's pause seemed to be caused by the stun gun.

Only Xu Changsheng knew, it wasn't the stun gun, rather... he might have seen the child in his own head...

ps: From now on, let's stick to scheduled updates.

Every day at six in the afternoon, punctually.

The book has been signed, and I hope you can show your support with your votes. Your support is the greatest motivation for the old hand, thank you!

Regarding update policy, during the new book period, other books generally have two updates of 4,000 words each, after all, we need to take advantage of the recommendations before going on sale.

But the old hand is offering 6,000 words, without asking for any favors... I just want to say, updates by the old hand are always reliable.

Those who have followed my previous books know...
