Chapter 12: Can a Doctor Perform a Craniotomy on Himself?_1

Such chaos had erupted that the surgery surely couldn't continue!

Including Xu Changsheng, the few remaining people were all still shaken in the corner.

The stimulus they had just experienced was simply too great.

Even some of them dashed out and began to vomit frantically!

Such a bloody, peculiar scene terrified everyone a little.

Soon, two men and a woman entered the operating room, dressed differently from those armed earlier.

They were clad in sleek silver-grey uniforms made of a special material.

One of them Xu Changsheng had met briefly, the Mechanical Eye he had seen just yesterday at the registration room.

Shortly after, several staff members entered and swiftly cleaned and disinfected the operating room...

In less than ten minutes, the entire operating room looked good as new!

The Mechanical Eye seemed to be the leader among the three.

"Change into a new surgical gown and continue preparations for the surgery," he said lightheartedly, but Xu Changsheng discerned an undertone of something else, like a threat.

The people were clearly reluctant, given that their colleagues had just died beside them.

The 37 degrees Celsius blood had just been spilled on them.

They could still remember that sensation now.

But most importantly, they simply did not know how to deal with this peculiar little man!

With everything still unclear, who would dare to perform surgery again?

The Contribution Value could be forsaken!

Points could be accumulated slowly.

But life, life was only given once.

Not a single person dared step forward!

It was then that the large screen on the wall suddenly lit up.

A man in surgical attire appeared on the screen.

"Hello, everyone, I am Zhang Mu."

"I believe you all have witnessed the chaos that just took place."

"This is likely a special kind of Peculiar Evolver, one that has not fully merged with the brain yet, but its blood has been corrupted. The blood is highly corrosive, and upon contact with skin, it can penetrate into the body, leading to a brief bout of madness!"

"So, to be successful, one must first avoid getting corrupted by the blood, and control the amount and location of bleeding."

At that moment, the screen changed again!

A trim man with a small mustache appeared in the frame.

Upon seeing Xiao Huzi, everyone was momentarily stunned.

"Hello, everyone, I am Qin Zhuo, and I assure you that there will be no more casualties from now on!"

"Those who suffered mental disturbances have been treated and were not seriously harmed!"

"Our Order Team will protect everyone's safety throughout the procedure and will respond immediately to any accidents!"

Qin Zhuo was the Order Leader of the August Research Institute.

Reportedly, he was the strongest individual in the Institute!

He answered directly to the director, and although not a deputy director, his authority was almost on par with the other six deputy directors!

Clearly, the people who had just entered were members of the August Order Team.

In the eyes of ordinary people, each member of the Order Team possessed extraordinary abilities, either as peculiar Evolvers or Mechanical Modders.

"Of course! I apologize to everyone because our previous research on this peculiar phenomenon was inadequate, leading to casualties. We will do our utmost to remedy this situation. Zhao Ze and several members did not die, we're giving them Prostheses, and they will only become stronger!"

"Finally, for those who succeed in the surgery, we will award 500 Points along with an additional 500 in Contribution Value rewards!"

"I wish everyone a smooth operation!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Changsheng's expression changed abruptly!

He had personally seen Zhao Ze's head get chopped off, never expecting... that they could actually save him?


It was really getting absurd.

It would be false to say that Xu Changsheng wasn't panicking inside.

It seemed that in the future, after killing someone, one didn't necessarily have to destroy the body completely, but the head certainly had to be dealt with thoroughly.

Too damn dangerous!

He was now very worried about Zeng Qiang, how he was, whether he still remembered himself.

The way Zeng Qiang looked at him just now, frankly, made Xu Changsheng feel quite guilty.

Should he kill Zeng Qiang?

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng entertained a thought!

No sooner had this idea surfaced than he hurriedly suppressed it deep within himself.

After all, there was a humanoid CT scanner in the room.

Xu Changsheng took a moment to adjust his thoughts, trying to appear... more normal.

It was clear that the words of the young man, Qin Zhuo, carried weight.

After he spoke, everyone started walking toward the front.

Some were itching to try!

With the danger gone, 500 Points and 500 Contribution Value filled everyone with fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but sigh, "In any era, great rewards bring out the brave!"


The surgery continued to begin.

Xu Changsheng was very honest; he stood at the back.

Yang Huancheng and a few other senior doctors took the place in the front, replacing Zeng Qiang and the others from before.

Seizing the rare opportunity, after some discussion, they started to step up!

The surgery continued to begin!

But at this time, the little humanoid figure had become increasingly mature.

That nose, those eyes, they were becoming more life-like!

Even the heartbeat seemed to be there.

At that moment, Xu Changsheng started to feel nervous.

However, it was at this moment that Xu Changsheng suddenly felt a flicker of illusion.

It was that the little humanoid figure was watching him!

Even though its eyes were not open, why was it watching him?

Xu Changsheng's heart tightened.

He couldn't let it take shape!

Even if he failed, he had to cut it out.

Thinking this, Xu Changsheng made up his mind.

The surgery itself was already very difficult.

No matter how careful everyone was, they still accidentally burst a blood vessel, and blood began to seep out...

At this very moment!

Suddenly, the Mechanical Eye started to flicker with a burst of red light, which was shining on Yang Huancheng.

Everyone turned their heads to see that Yang Huancheng's expression had changed!


Filled with malevolence!

But almost instantaneously, a woman delivered a frank chop with her hand, and Yang Huancheng fainted on the spot.

Seeing this, instead of being scared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that these Order Team members were indeed formidable!


Once again spread.

At this moment.

The operating room was so quiet you could hear a needle drop.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, staring at this "little person," whose heart seemed to beat and was throbbing vigorously at this time.

Xu Changsheng was also staring at this "little person," feeling complex emotions. He was actually more apprehensive than anyone present; after all, for others, it was a matter of whether the surgery succeeded and whether they could receive their rewards!

But... he actually had such a thing inside his own head!

The complexity of this world had far exceeded his precognitive abilities.

While he watched the surgery, he was also contemplating another issue.

What should he do about the thing in his head?

Leaving the surgery to others was definitely not something he felt comfortable with!

But... he couldn't possibly perform surgery on himself, could he?

Xu Changsheng suddenly froze!

He was startled by his own thought just now.

Yeah... performing surgery on oneself...

In his last life, it might have been impossible, but... in this life, it was not without hope.

Mechanical Arms!

Xu Changsheng's eyes lit up, and hope was rekindled within him.

He could definitely create several Mechanical Arms to independently complete the surgery!

Thinking this, Xu Changsheng even scared himself with his own audacity.

But Xu Changsheng had always been bold!

He felt that such an act was not impossible!