Chapter 150: A Great Place to Farm Experience! (Please Subscribe) _1

The vast conference room fell silent in an instant.

Everyone looked at Xu Changsheng, their eyes filled with various expressions.

In the eyes of many, Xu Changsheng was just a foolish young man dreaming of overnight success.

But Song Yaoci glanced at Xu Changsheng with a trace of curiosity on her face.

She didn't understand why Xu Changsheng would agree to such a request.

Song Yaoci couldn't help but snort coldly, "Tsk..."

"You people really are something else!"

"Sure enough... one dares to accept, and another really dares to believe!"

"Xu Changsheng, do you really think you can go down there and peacefully help those Mangshan Elephants with their treatment?"

"Do you think they haven't sent someone down there before?"

"After these giants are injured, they fall into a state of frenzy. It's hard enough to comfort them, let alone perform surgery!"

"I advise you to give up while you can!"

Gao Min smiled:

"Yaoci, young people need an opportunity!"