Chapter 150: A Great Place to Farm Experience! (Please Subscribe) _2

Walking along, Xu Changsheng saw the technologically-advanced Underground Research Facility surrounding him!

The architectural style was similar to the one outside the city, but the scale was much larger!

Why did the August Research Institute construct such a huge research facility underground.

Xu Changsheng guessed it was probably to study God Bei!

If he wasn't mistaken, there should be a river running beneath here.

Xu Changsheng pushed his keen sense of smell to the limit and sure enough, he could faintly detect a distinctive moist air.

So, here came the problem!

Was the wild monkey released by the research facility?

Or was it sent by God Bei?

Was the wild monkey a creation of God Bei?

Or was it produced by the research facility?

Xu Changsheng kept his composure and followed behind.

All of a sudden, he felt that Pang Zhen, who seemed honest and plump, might not be such a good person after all!

After a very long corridor.