Chapter 155: Reward Explosion (Please Subscribe)_1

Inside a subterranean cavern thousands of kilometers beneath the Earth's surface.

A strange man covered his mouth, occasionally making some bizarre sounds, and from time to time stomped his feet.

The tremendous force caused the ground to tremble slightly.


About a dozen elephants turned around in unison, staring at the tiny, tiny person on the ground as if looking at an idiot.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, unable to comprehend one question!

Which mother elephant had an affair?

Giving birth to such a silly thing.

And it's so small.

A few adult male elephants glanced at their own "little brothers", then scornfully looked at Xu Changsheng.

Mine's even bigger than his thing.

Seeing the response from the herd, Xu Changsheng's heart suddenly filled with joy.

An elephant's gaze can convey emotions.

He was well aware, at this moment, that the looks in the eyes of these elephants definitely did not represent anger and pain but rather... a special emotion.