Chapter 155: Reward Explosion (Please Subscribe)_2

Immediately following, the enormous elephant suddenly stood up from the ground.

It issued a mournful cry of pain.

At this moment, Xu Changsheng clearly saw the progress bar begin to fluctuate.


Seeing this, Xu Changsheng's heart sank.

He suddenly lost the desire to flee.

Because once he left, there really might not be another opportunity next time.

Elephants are a species that hold grudges.

If he angered the other party this time, no matter how much he postured next time, it wouldn't be very realistic.

Xu Changsheng firmly grasped the elephant's body, then with force, he cut open the entire abscess with his knife.

Pus mixed with fresh blood flowed out.

At this time, the Mangshan Elephant also issued cries of sadness and roars.

The surrounding elephants, seeing this, all turned their heads, and as they observed the other's bleeding wound, they became anxious.

They started to use their trunks to try to drive Xu Changsheng away!