Chapter 156: Kill Liang Ge, Obtain the Lion Body! (Subscribe please)_1

C District.

The night was still bustling.

Located between the central area of AB District and the outer city, C District was the most comfortable place in this city.

The night market here was the most prosperous.

Nightlife was utterly unfettered here.

Compared to E District, everything in C District was a lot more formal and safe, and it was classier, too.

Here, as long as you paid, you could enjoy services fit for an emperor.

However, in such a bustling area, the night on Auspicious Street in C11 District was the first to quiet down.

Xu Changsheng walked along Auspicious Street.

It was silent and deserted around him.

The streetlights were bright.

Occasionally, you could see a patrolling robotic police officer.

But as Xu Changsheng walked, he could faintly hear the agonizing howls of animals.

Such wailing was especially spine-chilling at night.

Xu Changsheng looked up at the August Research Institute in the distance and walked straight towards it.