Chapter 114 The True Condensation Elixir Tempering Method_1


The raging storm was bone-chillingly cold.

The three-zhang-long, variegated tiger body leaped high into the air, frantically darting through the hills, toppling countless giant trees, shaking the very earth and mountains.

As soon as the elder tiger was disemboweled by that palm, the young Tiger Demon fled in the opposite direction without looking back.

It had never imagined that it would become the "Leopard King" in this manner, the only choice of its father.

Yet there was no joy in its heart, only a chill that caused it to shiver uncontrollably.

Because another ferocious demon was still on its tail, its overwhelming demonic power signifying that its adversary possessed at least a thousand more years of cultivation than itself.


The young Tiger Demon howled as it fled, "My father is the Mountain Lord of Creek Terrace Mountain, and my stepfather is the White Deer Demon Lord. Spare my life for their sake!"