Chapter 115: Nine Transformations of the Immortal Demon (Bosses, asking for subscriptions~)_1

[In the seven hundred and ninety-third year, the Crocodile Dragon had demonstrated its transformation to you for the sixth time, finally igniting your innate talent and wisdom, as an unimaginable path suddenly became clear in your mind.]

[In the eight hundred and thirtieth year, the Ape Demon was right; without experiencing true life and death, how could one comprehend the essence of life and death Zen! However, the one to die need not necessarily be oneself. Tame the demonic power with the vigor of life, trap the demons inside oneself, subdue them with the intent of death, using the Hundred-refined Crocodile Dragon Body, repeat nine times… This is the Nine Transformations of the Immortal Demon!]

[Remaining demon lifespan: Two thousand five hundred and forty-eight years]

[Condensation Elixir. Nine Transformations of the Immortal Demon (Rare): Uninitiated]

Shen Yi looked at the panel with some surprise, his gaze mainly on that unfamiliar term.