Chapter 166: Receiving Rewards at the Martial Temple, Devouring the Heaven-Devouring Elixir_1

"The two of you can come out now," a middle-aged man dressed in a common cloth shirt said quietly as he stood still at the entrance to the Martial Temple, his voice a gentle reminder.

"Sorry, we are leaving right away," said Jiang Chengyun with utmost politeness to the man, then proceeded to walk outside with Shen Yi.

Only after leaving the Martial Temple did Jiang Chengyun whisper an introduction, "Those people are the cream of the crop, selected from various states and counties, including the Capital City. Not lacking in royal kin and nobility, but no matter the status, once they join here, they are considered to be disciples of the Martial Temple."

After that, he gestured toward the sides of the Martial Temple.

Compared to the towering main hall, the offices on both sides resembled the ears of the Martial Temple.

"On the left is the Demon Hunter Office, and on the right is the Demon-suppression Bureau," he said.