Chapter 167: Deduction on Heaven-Devouring Elixir Devouring_1

[In the first year, you opened the Heaven-Devouring Elixir Technique and began to meticulously sense its true meaning. You were no longer the layman who was clueless about martial arts. With years of practice, you already had your own understanding of martial arts.]

[In the second year, you nodded thoughtfully, planning to skip the parts you did not understand and deduce their meaning from the latter explanations. Proud of your intelligence, you turned to the second page.]


Looking at the prompts fleeting across the panel, Shen Yi finally stopped harboring any illusions.

In fact, the lifespan of the demon was not the biggest issue, as killing a couple more would always make up for it. What was truly headache-inducing was the negative emotions accumulated over the years in the panel, which would come crashing down all at once when the projection ended.

The harder the martial arts, the stronger this feeling became.