Chapter 216 Consort Ji Waiting to Play the Monkey_1


Great Qian Imperial City.

The robust demon horse slowed its pace, and more than ten armored soldiers recognized it as Qingzhou General's carriage and neatly saluted.

Jiang Yuanhua stepped out of the carriage and handed over the document.


The soldiers watched the floating document approach and hurriedly bent down to receive it with both hands.

It seemed there was another problem in Qingzhou—the General had not brought any attendants, nor did he wish to show his face, instead directly invoking the Yin God.

Looking at the hanging curtain, the soldiers had no intention of inspecting further.

The Yin God proved the person's identity more convincingly than any face could.

They quickly flipped through the booklet and then returned it with both hands, their voices booming, "Please, General, enter the city."

The four demon horses resumed their steps forward.

Jiang Yuanhua also returned inside the carriage.