Chapter 217 Promotion to Demon Suppression Bureau Inspector_1

"What, have you finally seen the light, or has something happened in Qingzhou again?"

Wu Dao'an walked leisurely ahead.

He had previously reminded the other party that the path of cultivation was far more rough than the youths imagined, a thousand years seemed long but were actually just a fleeting moment.

For cultivators, longevity was always the most precious thing.

What surprised him was that Shen Yi's realization came much faster than he had expected.

"If it's about Qingzhou, then there's no need to speak. Even if you are a disciple of the Martial Temple..."

"A recorded disciple," Shen Yi said softly.

"I know!" Wu Dao'an answered grudgingly, turning back. This kid was truly incomprehensible; to others, becoming a true disciple of the Martial Temple was like ancestors showing favor with blue smoke, yet not only did he not take advantage of the situation, he had actually reminded him honestly.

This was truly outrageous to the extreme.