Chapter 95: Suo Hanyi Bereft of Pride! Suo Lun's Soaring Fighting Spirit!_2

Suo Hanyi's heart skipped a beat, faintly guessing who the visitor was. He shouldn't meet her, but on an inexplicable impulse, he nevertheless gave the order, "Let her in, and no one is to come within a hundred steps of my study."

"Yes," said the personal guard.

A moment later, the woman in a black dress and veil appeared before Suo Hanyi. Without hesitation, she lifted the veil from her face, revealing a stunning yet pale countenance.

Of course, it was Princess Zhining. After vomiting blood twice in succession and traveling thousands of miles to Tianshui City without rest for two days and nights, her appearance had become haggard and devoid of color, having lost considerable weight.

"Commandery Princess, I trust you've been well," Suo Hanyi said brashly, lounging in his chair without the slightest intention of bowing, full of the pride of a victor.