Chapter 95: Suo Hanyi Bereft of Pride! Suo Lun's Soaring Fighting Spirit!_3

"Impossible…" Suo Hanyi hissed, "That prodigal son, how could he be my opponent. Now, all the military and civilians in Tianshui City revere me as a deity."

"No." Zhi Ning said, "Once you know about the miracle that Suo Lun performed at the Royal City Academy, then you will understand what it means to be possessed by a divine being."

Suo Hanyi despised hearing such words and coldly said, "If Commandery Princess has something to say, just say it directly."

"Kill Suo Lun, become the Lord of Tianshui City, and then marry Suo Ningbing," Zhi Ning said.

This statement struck directly at the hottest part of Suo Hanyi's heart, causing his whole body to tremble uncontrollably.

Zhi Ning continued, "After becoming the Lord of Tianshui City, you must agree to one condition from us. That is to allow our garrison troops so that Tianshui City becomes the military fortress for the kingdom's invasion of the Southern Barbarian Plains."