Chapter 120 Compensation for Fighting (2)_1

Boss and his wife were naturally terrified, but neither of them were as quick-witted as Laosan and his wife when they heard about the two hundred taels of silver, they immediately snapped to their senses. Lin Jiazhong shouted twice beside his father, and then called out to Lady Yang twice—one just closed his eyes without speaking, while the other simply shook her head, saying coldly, "I wasn't the one who smashed things, and I wasn't the one who led the charge in catching the cheater. I don't have any silver!"

Seeing his mother's demeanor, Lin Jiazhong also cursed under his breath, calling her an old thing. Just yesterday, he had seen his mother secretly give money to Laosan for his two grandchildren to buy sweet cakes. Now when it was time to pay up, she started acting poor! Just wait, once his two sons were successful in their studies and became officials, this old thing could forget about sharing any of their success!