Chapter 121 Severing Ties (1)_1

Lin Yuan was on the verge of spitting blood. There she was at my house, and yet I had to guess why she came. What a rogue!

Liuzi came scampering over, his smile so broad his eyes all but disappeared, "Young Master, you're here too?"

Young Master?

Lin Yuan was a bit muddled but quickly came to her senses. Such a rogue really did resemble the nuisances described by Lao Fan. Moreover, the government officer at the yamen seemed quite fearful of this youngster, just as the Steward at Shande Hall was afraid of Lao Fan. It appeared that this pair, young and old, were not simply the Owner of Fuman Building.

"Humph, you stinky brat, finally decided to show your face!" Lao Fan sat with one leg cocked over the other, too lazy to even grace him with a glance. He flicked his toe and gestured at the man still lying on the ground, whom Lin Yuan had hit, "Aren't you going to release him quickly? A dog trying to catch mice, always meddling in other people's business!"