Chapter 151 Mooncakes Delivered (2)_1

Sister Lianlian chuckled warmly, affectionately linking her arm with Mother Feng's: "If I had known Mother was waiting here, Lianlian wouldn't have come to send them off. This young girl has never been to the Jin Mansion before, she was asking around for the way, luckily I saw her on the way back from praying for blessings for the old lady with the eldest daughter of the main family and led her here."

It turned out she had taken the wrong path, and upon hearing this, Mother Feng's expression softened a bit. After all, she was just an inexperienced young girl, why make things difficult for her?

"Let it be, let it be, now that you know the way, you should come earlier next time, right?" Mother Feng said while giving a look to the little maid behind her. The clever maid immediately stepped forward to take the mooncake basket from Lin Yuan's hands and briskly took it to the kitchen.