Chapter 152 Shopping for a Store (1)_1


Although she had previously wanted to stay by her parents' side for a few more years and hadn't planned on opening a shop so soon, the events of the past few days had changed her perspective. The people from the Lin family had come to cause trouble, looking down on them, so she was determined to live a good life and to earn a great deal of money to show them. Her two younger sisters also needed to hurry and start their education, at the latest by next spring, so she had to send them to school without any further delay. Then there was the little brother in her mother's womb and her father's leg—she had a whole family to take care of, and she couldn't afford to be idle.

Besides, once her shop was open, she could hire a trustworthy person to manage it, just like the tofu shop, allowing her to let go and not overwork herself to death, right?