Chapter 383: Regret at the Furniture Store (2)_1

Not only did the elderly couple from the Yang family hear the ringing, but so did Li Feng'e, who was in her room combing her unkempt hair.

She fiercely combed through her messy hair, irritably shooed her two sons aside, raised her hand, and slapped Lin Jiaxiao, who was still snoring in bed, yelling, "You deadbeat! It's noon, and you're still sleeping! Get up and take care of the kids!"

Lin Jiaxiao was dreaming of indulging himself in the Chunfeng Building when a slap abruptly interrupted his sweet dream, leaving him feeling frustrated. He hadn't even opened his eyes when he barked out coarsely, "Get lost! Don't disturb my sleep!"

Li Feng'e was taken aback, then let out a scream like that of a pig being slaughtered, her hands flying up as her sharp nails scratched Lin Jiaxiao's face and neck, "You heartless thing! I bore you two children, and you dare yell at me! I'll show you yelling! I'll show you! I'll scratch your face off!"