Chapter 384 Regretting Furniture Store (3)_1

Seeing his wife block his way, Lin Jiaxiao made a gesture as if he was going to do something before he quickly sat down. He never truly intended to beat Lady Ma. If, over a fight between two women, he got into a fight with Boss himself, how would they ever get along in the future? He didn't want to lose these carefree days of having everything handed to him.

However, once things had calmed down and he listened to the noises outside, Lin Jiaxiao was somewhat puzzled, "Didn't you tell Boss's family about Yong Le's situation? Why is there not only crying but also the sound of bells over there?"

Li Feng'e stretched out her long finger to tap on his forehead and rolled her eyes, "Calling you fat and you're panting, huh? What a pathetic mess you are! Listen closely, is that sound of bells coming from Boss's house? Idiot."