Chapter 452: Little Sister Takes Action, Jin Mansion in Trouble (2)_1

However, for safety's sake, Xiao Linshuang still volunteered to have Lao Fan examine her to see if she had identified the acupoints correctly, as this was her first real attempt at administering acupuncture, and success or failure would directly affect her future in studying medicine.

Lao Fan never performed acupuncture on women, not just to avoid suspicion, but because he had a long-forgotten matter in his heart that he couldn't let go of. Thus, when Xiao Linshuang proposed to try it out, Lao Fan directly asked Liu Siqi to volunteer.

After much consideration, he was deemed the most suitable. In terms of seniority, he was the uncle of the Lin Yuan Sisters, so what impropriety was there in a niece giving acupuncture to her uncle?

Being named, Liu Siqi let out a wry smile, took off his shirt, and lay down on the bed, as Lao Fan said that acupuncture was only to be done on the back.