Chapter 453: Little Sister Takes Action, Jin Mansion in Trouble (3)_1

Lao Fan had said that acupuncture treatment would require a continuous month to complete, and Jeng Ruyue was simply too weak to withstand the daily travel to and fro. Therefore, Lin Yuan decided to have Liu Siqi and his wife both stay at the Fuman Building, after all, there was a small courtyard behind the building that was both quiet and clean, hardly ever occupied by anyone. It was just right for the couple to stay.

Liu Siqi was concerned about the expense of staying at the Fuman Building, reluctant to stay, but once he heard from Xia Zheng that Lin Yuan was now one of the owners of the Fuman Building, he settled down, both shocked and incredulous.

In fact, it would have been best to let Liu Siqi and his wife stay back at the Lin family hollow, but the side rooms were still without a heated brick bed, truly no place for them to sleep. Thus, they had no choice but to trouble Xiao Linshuang, who had to run back and forth with her every day.