Chapter 561: Farewell Secret Meeting (4)_1

They had originally planned to rest for another night and leave the next day, but Xia Zheng wouldn't stop blabbering about how much his father missed Princess Anle, making such a racket that the princess couldn't find peace. So after lunch, she began packing to leave.

Because of the haste in their departure, there wasn't much prepared in advance. Lin Yuan had to have someone go back to Rice Flower Fragrance to gather a good amount of special pastries for Princess Anle to eat on the road. Xia Zheng, worried that his mother wouldn't have access to the food from their place in the capital city, packed a sack of potatoes for her, and had even thought about including a couple of blocks of tofu, but Lin Yuan stopped him. Setting aside whether the tofu would stay fresh until it reached the capital city, even if it did, it would probably be jostled into nothing but crumbles by then.