Chapter 560: Farewell Secret Meeting (3)_1

Both of them, chasing and racing, neither noticed the strangeness in the room or the sounds coming from it.

"Dad, big brother has gone to the gambling house again... Ah!" Meng Chunyan abruptly pushed open the door, only to see a scene of a vivid Live Sex, quickly covering her eyes and turning her back.

Meng Yuanjian followed closely behind and upon entering, immediately saw the seductive body of one of his father's Little Concubines and his dad's diligent toiling pose.

Meng Tong became angry and embarrassed, his sprinting interrupted, he almost became impotent. He didn't even bother to see clearly who had come in, and snatched up a pillow nearby to furiously throw it out!

"Get out, all of you, get the hell out!"

Meng Chunyan and her siblings were chased out with embarrassed expressions, no one daring to bring up again the matter of cutting off Meng Tong's allowance.