082 Liu Mei_3


"Ah Xianshu, where am I implying that, I'm just kindly reminding you, aren't I?" Liu Mei put on an aggrieved face and started to complain, "Besides, what kind of man does your daughter Limin really want? There aren't many outstanding men in our town, could it be she's thinking of marrying into one of those wealthy families? Let me tell you, the men from those affluent families are either old men or already married, she's a decent girl from a good family, she can't possibly be thinking of becoming a concubine or a step-wife!"

Lady Liu spat out in disgust, and if Liu Mei hadn't dodged quickly, the spit would have landed on her shoe.

"Liu Damei, stop your nonsense! It's you who'd become someone else's concubine or step-wife! My daughter Limin is a woman with integrity, she'll only be a principal wife! That's enough now, there's nothing more to say to you, off you go!"

Lady Liu waved her sleeve and shooed Liu Mei away from the doorstep.