082 Liu Mei_4

"Ouch, mom, are you still my real mother? It hurts! Go ahead, twist it, twist my ear off, then I definitely won't be able to get married!"

Amid the squabbling of Lady Fan and Liu Limin, Lady Liu and a few others boarded the carriage to head home. Since it was the New Year, daughters and sons-in-law who were married could not stay overnight at their maternal home, otherwise, they surely would have stayed in Liu Family Village for a few more days.

Just before getting on the carriage, Liu Zhiyang suddenly grabbed Lin Yuan's arm and whispered a few words in her ear.

Lin Yuan was startled and instinctively glanced at Lin Jiaxin, nodded her head, and instructed Liu Zhiyang to study hard with a few more admonishing words.

Lin Yi drove the carriage very quickly; there was still Lao Fan at home to take care of, and, with no one being at home that entire day, he worried whether the old man had eaten his meals properly. It would be troublesome if he had been too lazy to even know to eat.