185. Inside Versailles_1

Imperial City.

Wanhe Garden.

The temperature gradually rose, and some of the heat-sensitive herbs and flowers on the terrace had begun to wilt.

Lun Chuan got up early in the morning and moved them one by one to the shaded area by the wall, hoping to maintain their longevity for a longer time.

Among them was a pot of crested wheatgrass, which was his favorite.

Since its transplantation last September, its flowers had never once faded. Its tender green leaves, white waxy petals, and yellow flower hearts...

When watered, they would blushingly close up, and if the flowers were picked, they would not change for a year and a half without any special treatment.

But at the moment, with the temperature occasionally soaring to twenty-five degrees, its condition was already not good.

When Yun Feng came over, Lun Chuan was holding pruning shears, snipping all the flower stems into a small woven bamboo basket and placing the orchids on the tea table beside him.