320. Green Pepper Beef Sauce_1

The barrage was getting excited!

[How come you're crying? I want to see!]

[Those in front, is it fun to bully the host? I want to see too]

[Host, it might be because your skin is too tender, white and soft like tofu, makes me want to touch]

[I don't believe it, unless you send over the peppers for me to taste]

[If I hadn't eaten the super spicy Dragon's Breath pepper, I'd believe you]

[Post the link, post the link!]

[Their silver fungus, peach blossoms, honey, tea leaves, and even the baby bok choy taste so good to die for, is there a chance these peppers are also different?]

[Spicy food aliens ecstasy!]

[Let the Land of Peppers see what kind of power you truly possess—post the link]


[What's going on in this live room? You're all so excited about picking a pepper]

[Are you new upstairs? Keep watching and you'll see]

Sun Shouping was dumbfounded.
