319. Live Pepper Picking_1

As soon as the visitor left, Sun Shouping immediately called out, "Sanbao, Sibao!"

The two dogs had just finished munching on cucumbers and now, seeing the person who had raised them, they slowly sauntered over.

As soon as they approached, Sun Shouping began to rub their heads:

Very good, very well raised! Look at those eyes, bright and soulful. Look at those teeth, so healthy. Now look at those legs, so sturdy!

Fine then!

It was only then that he reluctantly accepted the fact that "the dogs raised on bran and rice chaff were doing even better than the ones in his kennel."

Now he examined them closely again—indeed, there was not the slightest sign of them being in heat.

But that's not scientific, is it?

He was baffled beyond belief.

As he pondered, he saw a big boy running towards them from a distance.

With fair skin, bright eyes, and a round buzz-cut that was already glistening with sweat, his expression was filled with pure innocence and joy.