Necessity is the mother of inventions.

Popular saying



I already found the bulk pharmacy, there isn't much material here, I can't risk going in search of the general store, there isn't much time and I don't have enough experience to put serums or anything, I ask the leader to follow me at waiting rooms that I saw at the entrance, there I make a gesture of knocking on the glass of a bread store, most of them belonged to the industrial type, they have many preservatives and are probably just as soft as when they were taken from the production line, but there were some green ones from "Mother Nature" company, since he doesn't pay attention to me I start hitting harder, he tries to imitate me but he hits everything, the controls, the resistant sheets, I'm surprised to see that it doesn't bleed. I put it aside because it won't work for me that way.


It is time to test the weight distribution function that the suit does, with a simple flexing of muscles the suit gives energy to some myometres, which are like tendons throughout the body that lead to the back in a kind of double spine and they go down to the feet. As soon as I feel that they are tense enough I unleash the blow, the trick of this force is that it does not affect my shoulders and is discharged harmlessly on the back and feet.


The impact shatters the glass and I feel a whiff of moisture. It is likely that some package had been opened and subjected to air pollution; count on that.


When I searched a little I found one that was promising, on the label it says "natural wheat muffins like my grandmother made them", the packaging is half open, when I bring my bacteria sensor closer it sounds promising, there was Penicillium there, I give him the breads and order him to force them to eat them, he walks forward with the bags in his hands, if I'm really going to survive here I'll have to look for a laboratory, a video center... and some manuals.


Surveillance camera record in storage warehouse 1.


Recording on the 22nd, 3:00 p.m.


A figure streams through the auxiliary door, infected patients greet him. He narrates the need for them to consume something that he brings, he is pushed by several, most of them accuse him of having brought them to an isolated place with the intention of eating them.


3:30 p.m.


The subject seems to get tired of reasoning with them. He takes a piece of bread and takes a bite; It is tough judging by the attempts to bite it, it limits itself to gnawing it and in the process eating all the penicillin fungus that is in its bark, and he tells them to do the same, still doubtful they try what he gives them and make a look of dismay. disgusting, it seems that the taste is not pleasant or anything familiar.


3:45 p.m.


The subject tells them that he does not give them for pleasure, that are orders from the Black God. It's incredible, he tells them that he brought them to suffer and go through hardships because he wanted his true god to take pity on them and he did, he burst one of the "food guards" with his strong fists (I omit a laugh) and says that if they want to save themselves we have to eat this... your people still doubt.



4:00 p.m.


He determinedly takes the weakest one and with the knife opens the unfortunate man's mouth and forces him to swallow. The others see that they will not be able to do much against his strength, so they resign themselves and eat.


Day 26.


The fever has subsided. They eat the cans I give to their leader. They have been eating that horrible bread covered in antibiotics for four days as I indicated to my assistant (for lack of a better word), apparently the stomach infection of all the "patients" is under control, five died from suffering from an infection of e. colli, others had parasitic infections. When he saw them die, he declared that their death was due to not praying or having faith in the Savior and it was his penance. They continue eating vermin found in their bodies and their diet was a disaster, they already sit up and still treat him from afar, but they follow him with their eyes, there is a new respect in their eyes, he is not a leader who almost killed them, he is a interpreter of the Black God... he is my interpreter of the new society, my malinche.