A powerful weapon is of no use if it 

can be used from both ends.

popular proverb



Battle Log #001. 

Number of combatants: 70

Battle result: Defeat. 



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"At 7:00 a.m., the alarms were activated corresponding to the approach of an enemy in the vicinity. I was with class 10000001, where a genetic variation related them to Asian characteristics, hoping to exploit their mathematical abilities, as The alert was given, I left a copy (routine) of me teaching them, that genetic mix existed a long time ago and the questions are very similar, my copy will give the lecture and I can closely follow (with pride) my explorer's first battle.


"The computer screen showed me that I had done everything according to the manual. The most important defense of the armor was in a depression more than six meters deep, it is an energy field, it disperses heat and kinetic energy, so any conventional projectile or condensed light (laser) weapon would lose its thrust and would not touch the alloy itself composed of a version of steel with molecular alignment of diamond, resistant to the impacts of 32 cm diameter bullets.


In the inner chamber he was asleep, apparently the mental exhaustion is a little higher than I remembered, I have to wake him up by stimulating the medulla oblongata, he opens his eyes and sits up but he doesn't know what's happening, that's the bad thing about D.E. (waking up emergency), you know there is danger but you cannot locate it, your cognitive functions will still take a long three seconds to react. While I analyze their attackers: they are a large group, perhaps about 70 aborigines; The preliminary analysis was correct, they are less than five feet tall; They have "fibrous" bodies, with very marked muscles and little body fat, long black hair, a skin color so loaded with melanin that it makes it impossible to detect their original tone, they all come armed with sharp bones and, in the best of cases, , with iron rods... I feel very sorry for the future victims.


When he gained consciousness and his eyes focused; He was already in a battle position with sensors on his hands, arms and legs, his tense hands had already gripped the staff and he was waiting for the enemies. Awake, he limited himself to reviewing what he knew and reviewing his weapons. The needles are useful but only against attackers who descend on parachutes or similar. The claws are the size of one of these pygmies, but moving them would give room for a lateral or frontal attack. the option is the cane, extended it has a range greater than six meters, being made of alloy it is very hard, that plus the strength of the suit is a deadly weapon. The largest of them lets out a scream that with a little imagination sounds like "food" and they attack in droves, the first blow is a downward arc that bursts the spine of the frontal attackers. They left a rubbery mark on the sandy surface; Taking advantage of the recoil momentum, I carry the staff in a horizontal position, use my left foot (taking another warrior who had gained ground) to pivot and the fluid movement from left to right sweeps all enemies at an angle a little less than 180 degrees.


I'm still not worried, even though this last attack gave much less result than I expected, the terrain is to blame, this last attack could have been faster or more lethal, but the support foot did not find firm ground and that The speed of rotation of the hips decreased, those fallen in front were divided in half, but those on the banks rose, adding more enemies to those who were already less than five meters away.


Joshua's mind is frantic. I know it is not easy but he has not panicked and he is right, he still has an anti-personnel weapon, since due to mobility it is not easy to prevent enemies with augmentation suits from surpassing his reach at height. He has a neuronal wave no more than two meters in diameter from the main body, this surrounds him like a sphere and synchronized with the frequency of cranial impulses, even when they do not have neuronal helmets this defense must keep them disoriented and almost unconscious.


The first group approaches, he does not notice it, he is tracing an upward diagonal with his staff to eliminate an entire column that carries a spear made of a sharp rod three meters long, upon impact they fly away and the spear impales another of them. yours, while four of them enter the defense circle... Are they still advancing? This is not possible! People must be able to think to coordinate any movement for more than one step. I direct one of the cameras at his face, they don't seem to reason; They have unfocused eyes and slower movements, yet they manage to climb on the flexible toes of the foot (their crow's foot shape allows more stability but reduces speed) and they fit the knives in the joint where for us the Achilles heel is, the Pistons and "bone" were left intact but all wiring was damaged. You look for movement with that foot, when you see them there with your right hand you tear them apart, but the performance of that leg is compromised, those precious seconds and I'm looking for what the hell makes them not lose consciousness, the energy supplies are internal so they don't You will lose mobility, but you will lose precision... What makes them move? I have already reviewed the bases of the entire project related to the neuronal interruption field, only some wild animals, especially those raised in reserves, have the medulla oblongata so developed, an instinctive, primitive response... Of course... they are wild in more than one way. sense! But I can't reveal to him that he is not alone, I must not influence him, only training is what I can rely on. "The battle is lost, I know it from the multiple discharges emitted by the severed terminals, he resists, the enemy casualties already amount to more than thirty but there are still many attacking; some behind him continue climbing, I want to check if they have fought in other similar battles, they are not impressed by the enormousness or by the death, he is turning with his body to achieve a last reverse using his useless arms and he is so concentrated that his eyes do not detect a camera on his neck. One of them has just arrived. the fastest climbers and with a scream he discharges his weapon (he carries a rod) into a hole in the area of the clavicle, that and the sudden turn damage a vital part of the current, embedding a piece of metal directly into the sector that gives the user control over weapons; I share his anger; he kicks helplessly as his only important gift collapses, I think they could devour him if they manage to get into the cabin... but right now he doesn't see; He does not have access to the cameras, he does not know what is happening outside, now it is my turn, a subroutine activates a small flamethrower on his chest, right near the security closure to access the cabin, two of them fall. The flame is not intense enough to burn, but the pain is not to his brain; It is corporeal and palpable; I hope that they stop with that.


The battle is over, I have a lot to think about, my avatar, my conqueror and explorer is in shock, while I defended the entrance, he worked connecting the auxiliary power system, enabling the cameras and preparing his close combat weapon, a sword made of The same alloy as the poison deposits and soaked in poison made each wound something fearsome, he put on an escape suit and with a filtering mask he went out with the purpose of facing his "destiny", but most of the enemies already they were not there. He didn't see, but when the death count reached forty and they saw that only those trying to enter (I'll have to find out if there are more of these combat units as they seem to know their general weaknesses) were the ones attacked, they changed their tactics: They finished off their seriously wounded and began to remove them from the battlefield, apparently they just wanted food... it doesn't matter from whom. His gaze wanders from one end to the other; He has a high temperature and an adrenaline charge bordering on the prohibitive; He begins to shout at them, I laugh at his attitude, even more so when he begins to cry with rage, he knows that he will not be able to get down in time, he does not have his ability, his victors are satisfied with their own flesh and they fatten it on their destroyed pride.


I will have to study for a long time, apparently enemies exist. If I want to bring science to this world I must understand them first.