As Shayne and Zaara step onto the scene, an anticipatory hush envelops the students. Master Chua-Huanq, the authority figure overseeing the training, takes command.

"Uhmm-uhmm, okay students, prepare yourselves for today's training," Master Chua-Huanq announces, punctuating the air with a throat-clearing sound. The excitement is palpable as he introduces the day's focus: punch training. Amidst his instructions, an intriguing element is unveiled—a rectangular glass box emerging from the wall, a punch power reading system.

This system, a testament to technological advancement in Vegras, adds a layer of complexity to the training. The objective is clear: each student must unleash their most powerful punch upon the reader. It, in turn, grades their punch strength on a scale from 10 to 100. The lore surrounding Vegras asserts that no individual above the age of 7 possesses a punch level below 10.

The training takes an unexpected turn with the introduction of Scot, a towering figure with unwavering confidence. Dark, broad-headed, and possessing an air of masculinity, Scot exudes assurance that he will outshine every other student. Meanwhile he was the Number 3rd among the 42 beginners—a fact that adds an intriguing layer to the unfolding narrative.

Master Chua-Huanq's announcements continue, emphasizing the gravity of the training and the students' need to master skills. The importance of their standing position during the punch is underlined, setting the stage for an intense and competitive exercise.

The anticipation builds further as the students are granted 30 seconds to prepare. The air is charged with a mix of nerves and determination. The initiation of the punching sequence signals the beginning of a transformative experience for each student. The first participant steps forward, releasing a punch with all his might.

As the punch connects with the glass box, a numerical grade of 41 is displayed. Mrs. Phianq, the diligent record-keeper, swiftly jots down the result. The scene repeats as each student, including the formidable Scot, Zaara, and Shayne, takes their turn. The reader captures their individual strengths and assigns a unique grade, documenting the essence of their capabilities.

The atmosphere in the training ground mirrors a blend of competition, camaraderie, and self-discovery. Mrs. Phianq meticulously compiles the grades into a book, adding an element of suspense. The culmination of the punching exercise heralds the climax—the revelation of the students' punch grades by Master Chua-Huanq.

"Listen carefully to know your punch grades!" Master Chua-Huanq's voice resonates across the training ground, heightening the tension. The students, now fully invested in the outcome, hold their breath. The air is thick with uncertainty as each awaits their fate in the form of a numerical grade.