In the halls of the prestigious school, the air crackled with anticipation as students awaited the unveiling of their academic rankings. The grading system, a strict hierarchy that categorized performance into three distinct ranks, cast a long shadow over the student body. Hence...

A-rank (80-100)

B-rank (40-79)

E-rank (10-39)

Clef, a figure of quiet determination, found himself perched on the cusp of the B-rank with a respectable score of 61. Though not a stellar achievement, it was enough to earn him a sense of pride amidst the sea of expectations that surrounded him.

Meanwhile, Scot and Zaara, embodiments of academic excellence, ascended to the coveted A-rank with grades of 84 and 82 respectively. Their names whispered in reverent tones, their achievements hailed as the pinnacle of scholastic success.

But amidst the triumphs, there lay shadows of disappointment. Shayne, a soul weighed down by the burden of his own inadequacies, plummeted into the depths of the E-rank with a despondent score of 38. As the reality of his ranking sunk in, tears streamed down his face, a bitter testament to the shattered dreams that lay in ruins at his feet.

In his moment of despair, Shayne sought solace in solitude, retreating to the confines of his unit. His cries echoed through the empty corridors, a haunting lament for the dreams that lay shattered in his wake. Locked away from the world, he grappled with the gnawing ache of disappointment, his heart heavy with the weight of his own failure.

Outside his door, Zaara stood as a silent sentinel, her heart heavy with empathy for her friend's plight. Time and time again, she knocked, her gentle pleas for entry met with only silence. And so, with a heavy heart, she retreated, leaving Shayne to wrestle with his demons alone.

Yet even in his darkest hour, Shayne was not alone. Roo-Yang, the wise and observant gatekeeper, heard the echoes of Shayne's despair and left a note of solidarity on his door, a silent reminder that he was not forgotten in his time of need.

As night fell and the world outside fell into slumber, Shayne's stomach roared with hunger, a cruel reminder of his own physical and emotional emptiness. With a heavy heart and trembling hands, he rose from the floor, the weight of his disappointment dragging him down like an anchor.

The next day dawned with the weight of resignation hanging heavy in the air. Shayne, his spirit bruised but unbroken, returned to school with a sense of weary determination. Yet amidst the sea of indifferent faces, there was one beacon of light amidst the darkness.

Zaara, her heart heavy with concern for her friend, approached Shayne with a tentative smile, her words a soothing balm for his wounded soul. And though Shayne's heart still ached with the sting of disappointment, he found solace in the warmth of her companionship, a flicker of hope amidst the shadows.

Their fragile peace was shattered by the arrival of Mrs. Phianq, their teacher, bearing news that would shape their destinies. With a sense of trepidation mingled with anticipation, the students gathered in their units, their hearts pounding with the promise of what lay ahead on their journey to becoming Mythe Beings.