Chapter 57 Brother Yao Being Teased_1

Thank you for the love and support, thank you to Brother Don't Love from Qidian Chinese Network for the support, Tianyu is extremely grateful. Thanks for the support, brothers!

Bang! Bang!

And as for the general ˇ, Unreachable, he was very straightforward, sending one Volcanic Eruption after another!

Suddenly, the entire central area of the live broadcast hall was overtaken by volcanic lava.

Countless streams of magma surged up from beneath the live room, shooting up to the sky, and exploding violently in the middle of the hall.

"That's so freaking awesome"

"Brother Yao is just Brother Yao, someone wants to have your monkey babies!"

"Brother Yao, I'm willing to be your mistress."

"And I'm still a virgin!"

"You guys are too dirty, too dirty, don't talk nonsense, Brother Yao is already taken. Don't even think about him, he's mine!"

"Cut it out, what makes you think Brother Yao is yours!"

"Exactly, exactly, Brother Yao is ours, he belongs to all of us!"