Chapter 56 Along the Way With You_1

"Changlin, hurry up and check the voting results!" Grapevine Little Dot was quick to react. Sensing that Li Changlin's emotions were a bit unstable, he quickly reminded him.

"Right, right, I'm going to check the voting results now!" Li Changlin snapped back to reality, took a deep breath, apologized to the fans in the live stream with a smile, and clicked on the voting channel on the Family page.

Following the old rules, he aimed the camera at his computer and showed everyone the voting results.

"It's definitely the first one!"

"Li Changlin from Earth—giving you a five-star home, that's fantastic, so posh!"

"Support, let's use this one, it's quite good!"

"Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing is so awesome, just thinking randomly and coming up with such brilliant promotional lines!"

"Haha, I want to join the Family, I want to join the Family, Li Changlin hurry up and set it up, I can hardly wait!"