Mistake from Harry

November 1994

Diagon Alley


The meeting which Dumbledore had called had just concluded. A in depth planning and discussion on what upcoming steps should they take have been done and Dumbledore had been easily able to manipulate the planning in the direction he had wished.

All the participants of the meeting except two had just departed. Dumbledore and Snape were still occupying their previous chairs.

Dumbledore had his usual serene on his face while Snape was gazing towards him with curiosity.


"Ask what you want, Severus," Dumbledore said with a sigh.

Snape did not hesitate as he asked, "All that you told… Harry's soul being taken over by the dark lord, is it true?"

"Did I not already explained that there is no certain way of knowing and I do not see any other plausible explanation for Harry's sudden rise of power," Dumbledore replied with a frown.


Snape pursued his lips as he leaned, "Let me rephrase, headmaster…"

"Sorry, you do not hold that post anymore, Albus," Snape mocked. "Do you yourself believe in all what you had described?"

Dumbledore remained silent for a moment and then looked towards Snape.

"Let me be honest with you, Severus," he said. "If I had not known about the changes in the dark mark after Voldemort had been killed, I would have no doubt believed that Harry's soul had been taken over by Voldemort."

"But the changes confirmed that it is not Voldemort controlling Harry," said Dumbledore.


"Changes in the dark mark?" Snape asked with a frown.

"Repeat what you had told me about the dark mark as soon as Voldemort was killed," Dumbledore asked.


Snape, though did not understood, he obliged, "For the past 3 years, the dark mark had been slowly darkening. It obviously meant that the dark lord was regaining his powers."

"But then in the past month this darkening of the mark suddenly increased… dark lord's return was imminent."


"But as soon as Harry's massive strike landed on the dark lord," Snape continued with a slight tremble recalling the last strike from that massive phantom. "I checked the mark."

"The mark had definitely vanished… but not completely. It had turned into a similar state after the dark lord had been vanquished 14 years ago."


"But in another hour," said Snape as he pulled the sleeves and showcased his dark mark. "It turned out to be like this."


The mark on Snape's forearm had 'almost' vanished. A 'very faint outline', visible only when looked in bright light was present.


"Severus," said Dumbledore. "My entire life, I have been obsessed with two things. First was undoubtedly the deathly hallows."

"And secondly, this dark mark," he continued.

"Ever since, I had discovered its presence, I have made detailed research on it and studied it deeply. Through your mark, I had also been able to solve a lot of its mysteries."


"When Voldemort was again vanished," he continued. "The dark mark turned similar to what it had been 14 years ago… this showed that dark lord's main soul had been again vanquished."

"But as soon as Harry left the arena, he went and destroyed all the horcruxes in his possession, and the dark mark almost completely disappeared."


"But how does it prove what you said?" Snape asked with a confusion.

"Think, Severus," Dumbledore answered. "If Harry was really Voldemort, why would he have destroyed his means of immortality?"

"If it is so," Snape argued. "How did Harry Potter learned the location of all the horcruxes and how did he get so much power?"


"Well, the first question," Dumbledore replied. "I do not know. Even so, he managed to outclass Voldemort in his own's plans. Harry was fully aware of what the dark lord had been planning. He cunningly imposed his own plans and killed Voldemort in front of a huge audience."


"For the second power… it is common sense, Severus," Dumbledore said. "He is Lord Peverell… Lord Gryffindor… Lord Slytherin. This is the legacy of 5 most powerful wizards to ever walk on earth. He has the three deathly hallows in his possession."

"These legacies are not some street side trinkets," he added. "I do not know how but these must have somehow gotten his powers from these legacies."


Snape nodded in understanding, "But you also had the elder wand."

Dumbledore's face fell at this. Even so, he explained, "But I did not have its servitude. I was merely using it. While the wand, went of its own will to Harry."

"This must have something to do with the Peverell legacy," he finished.


"But in his arrogance… confident in his powers, Harry missed one thing," Dumbledore added with a glint in his eyes.

"What?" Snape questioned.


"The dark mark… it should have vanished if Voldemort had been completely eradicated," he explained. "But an outline is still present. A small portion of Voldemort's soul is still left."

Snape's eyes widened, "An horcrux is left."


"Yes," Dumbledore nodded with a bright glint in his eyes as if it was something that was going to benefit him. "And I have a guess, what that thing is."


Dumbledore said as he looked a parchment in his hand. It was a document which Kingsley Shacklebolt had given him.

'Things recovered from Hogwarts arena after you- know- who was defeated' was the title of the document.




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