
"What-what?" That was the last thing I said before my vision became blurry.

I was falling to the ground, but I held the sword in my stomach. I raised my feet and put them forcefully on the ground. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew one thing, which was that I felt overwhelming anger.

'Am I going to die here? No, how can I die here!! After I was given this other chance I swore that I would live at any cost, I did not want to die!! No, I was afraid of death, so how dare you to try to kill me, you bunch of damned extras, I will kill you all!!!' I thought as I gritted my teeth, but at that moment I felt my mana acting crazy and even leaving my body. Then I looked at my two hands that were on the sword,

'What is this?!!' They were frozen, not only them, but the sword and the wound, and even Extra 4 was frozen. I felt as if this ice was a part of me. Then I looked at the other three and raised my hand. I pointed to Extra 1 with my hand and then clasped them. Then the ice rose from the ground and Extra 1 froze. I looked at the other two and they were trembling. This time, I raised my hand in the air and summoned some ice spears and fired them at Extra 2 and Extra 3. The spears pierced Extra 3's body from the first spear, while Extra 2 blocked the first spear with his shield, but his shield cracked, and the second spear was enough to destroy the shield and extra 2 heart

After that immediately some notification appeared in front of me

[Stamina increased by 1.9points--->5.22]

[Health increased by 2.6 points--->7.15]

[You've awakened for the first time you're rewarded by 5 points in each state--->13.75 and 15 points in mana--->41.25]

[You have killed a human for the first time,that human is stronger than you by 3 small levels,you're rewarded by 25 free points--->68.75]

I ignored the notifications and freed my hand from the ice and took a few healing and mana recovery potions from my spatial bag and drank them all. Then I freed the sword from the ice and took it out of my stomach.

'Damn, that hurts.' I turned and looked at Extra 4, dead and still frozen corpse. I tightened my hand and punched jis stupid old face with all my strength, the ice shattered along with his corpse and they scattered on the ground. I looked at the notifications and thought

'first kill? I killed Ryan before, but he's still alive so it didn't count? or because I'm in Aron's body? I didn't know but it's not Something I'll know just by thinking about it. I'm tired. That's enough for today." After collecting all their wealth, I left the dungeon and headed toward the nearest hostel. After entering, I headed toward the receptionist and said,

"I want the best room you have." The receptionist looked at me with a strange look full of suspicion and pity. Well, I don't blame her. My green wig was clearly seen as a wig, and my mask was cut off, and my pink shirt was also cut off, and there was a lot of blood on it.

"H-Okay, sir, tonight will cost 500 tera." She stuttered as she said, and without delay and with all respect, I took out a bag of money from my spatial bag. I threw it in her face and said, "I will stay for a week. Give me the key and bring me some food now"


(After some days)

"The academy starts tomorrow." I mumbled while sleeping on the bed, but I couldn't sleep so 'Lucian, open the system status window.'


Name:Zenon Alter\Aron Rhysand

LEVEL:1{late stage}




















EXTRA NOTE:almost killed by an extra, loser,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


'...lucien can't you just delete that Extra note'

[And delete your system status window with it,Don't get angry now, when you get stronger, she'll improve her style....Maybe]

'Maybe!!!AARRGG any way I broke through 3 days ago to first level late stage so how my mana level is in level 2?!!!'

[That's because your skill lazy trainer when any body is Awakened he get from 5 to 10 points in mana but because of the system you had 15 and because of your skill you got more than 41 points]

'Oh,well then when will the sync.ends,he reached from 0% to 98% in three months then from 98%to 99% in two week,does your system work well?!!'

[I don't know exactly when it'll end but the system is working well,It's just that every time the number increases, it takes longer to increase it again. I mean, let's say that if it takes five minutes to increase from 0% to 1%, then it will take ten or more to reach from 1% to 2%. Do you understand?]


"Haa"I sighed 'it's like training each time you break through the next time will be harder'


[It's my fault that you're stupid?]


[I don't have a mother]

'Well,well,can't you two shut up your mouth'


[I don't have a mouth]



Last week I really did a lot. I trained, fought a lot, leveled up a small level three days ago, improved my scythe techniques, improved my mana control, improved my ice awakening control a lot and finally I collected a lot of monster core and since I have a lot of money I just collected them. I didn't sell them and waited until the last day before the academy to collect the largest number of mana points, and the moment to absorb them has come now. I sat on the bed and took out all my monster cores. They were hundreds. I grabbed the first one. I noticed that it was from that bat, the first monster I killed. After extracting it and the notification appeared my eyebrows furrow

[Mana increased by 0.01 points--->0.03]

'Tch' I took the orc boss monster core and extract it

[Mana increased by 1.5 points--->4.5 points]

'HMM,better' then I took all of the monster cores and extracted them all

'....ha.....ha,that was harder than fighting,I can't believe it took couple of hours from us,any way let's distribute the free points'


'Huh, why'


'I've thought about this but,no I wouldn't get a better increase,because every time my stats is increased the increase I get is lower, like from the orc's core I got 1.5 basic points which is 4.5points by 200% but if I distributed the points first maybe I would get 1 or even less basic points which is 3.25 points by 225%,lucien open my states'











'Lucien put 45 in Agility,40 in strength,39 in perception,35 in stamina and 9.75 in charm'











I felt a familiar wave of relief, strength, and some pain,

'I've broken through to the peak stage of the first level , this is amazing for only three weeks.' I thought as I looked out the window, 'What, it's already dawn!! I should Go to sleep quickly.'