reaching academy

After I woke up from my sleep, I took off my sleepwear and stood in front of a mirror and saw a tall, handsome man with deep blue eyes and short, shiny white hair with amazing abs,then I wore it again

'hehehe'. I laughed as I put on my usual disguise over my sleepwear and immediately headed towards the Duchy of Rhysand, yes, not to the academy. The academy can wait but I need revenge

[You're sick, you need to go to the mental hospital]


'Shut up you two, I don't need someone to tell me what to do.'

[Teenage years]






I ignored Lucian's craziness and crossed the spatial vector, heading to the Duchy of Rhysand and headed directly towards the palace. I saw some luxury carriages leaving the palace. 'They must be here to take Alice and Riel, and well, me too, but I won't go from here. I will go with the spatial vector. They will also pass through it.

' They just like appearances'. I waited a while until they left, then I went to the back of the palace and climbed over a fence. There were some guards there, so I hid behind a relatively large tree and hid myself with mana until they left. I went to the maids' quarters and I was still hidden with mana, as long as I am hidden with mana, no one will be able to see me unless they are stronger than me, and I don't think there is such a person here, but it is better to be safe than sorry, so I did not move rashly. Instead, I waited five minutes or so before making any move until I found her, the maid who... They called me useless dead meat when I first arrived in this world. This may seem trivial to some, but I will not let anyone who insulted me have a happy life. The maximum thing is that I will let them enjoy a little until the right time comes,just like now. If I let someone insult me ​​once and he doesn't learn his lesson, he will insult me again

I went behind her and put one hand on her mouth and the other on her neck. She fainted and I hid her with mana. I took her and left in the same way I came.


I took her to a deserted place and tied her up, brought some water and poured it on her until she woke up,

"Koh-Ah" she made some sounds and completed

"Who Are you, how dare you kidnap me, do you know who I am I'm a maid in the palace of the Duchy of raysand, if you don't want to die free me, then kneel and kiss my feet and I'll pardon you"

'this bitch...Does she want to force me to kill her!!'I thought, but when she saw that I didn't reply she smiled broadly and said," Are You Afraid?" Go have sex with yourself, asshole!! You made a mistake by kidnapping me and go drink your mother's milk for the last time before dying because I'm going to kill you, son of a bitch,kkkhhhaaa,tttffffooo" she said while spitting at me, I couldn't help myself anymore, I took my sickle out of my spatial bag and cut off her arm

"shut up, bitch"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" she screamed with all her might but no use firstly, the place is deserted and no one comes to it secondly, I made a sound blocker from the Mana around us,

"it's no use,"I said, cutting off her two legs,

"AAAAA-" I tried to continue screaming, but I brought a rock from the ground and put it in her mouth,

"didn't I say Shut up," I cut off her other arm, at that moment she was crying unconscious, so I cut off her head and finished this farce

'I didn't want to kill her though,I thought that some threatening would be enough'


'Tsk, I wasted a lot of time with that maid,' I thought as I ran towards the nearest spatial vector,

'The principal's speech shouldn't be over, right?' I crossed the spatial vector and continued running towards a large gate. A guard tried to stop me, but I told him politely,

"I'm from Rhysand. Stop me if you want to die." The guard was frightened and quickly opened the gate. I entered, but there was something flying above me.

'Is this a human being?'Then he looked at me. He had a handsome face with short brown hair and big red eyes and he was laughing at me

'That bastard Rohn, he thinks he's better than me.' I recognized him from the game. His name was Rohn Mena terapis. He was just as crazy and unpredictable as Riel. He was also in the same situation as me and Riel as we rarely survived to the end, well I never survived so I'm not in the same situation as them, anyway he laughed again and then ran again

'What's the son of a bitch laughing at?!'

After some running, I arrived in front of a large red hall and the door was closed, but I heard a voice inside, so I ran towards it and opened it forcefully, panting a little. Suddenly, I felt thousands of looks at me, some of them mockery, some of them laughter, some of them love (from girls), and then I heard a voice calling to me,

" Aron Rhysand, Whoever spoke here was an old man who was handsome for his age, with relatively long light gray hair and a thick white beard. He had broad shoulders and black eyes. He continued, "Although in this academy there is no united uniform, and each student can wear whatever he wants,but this is just a little too much."


I asked while looking at my clothes and my face turned red.... I was wearing white pajamas and on each part of it was painted a smiling bear face in light blue,Since attendance here was not important as some students did not even come and some left in the middle so simply I turned around and turned back from where I came from with my mind still in shock from what happened

'... Lucien... Aron... Do you have an explanation for what just happened?'