Chapter 49

Whether it was Luci or Consort Min, both parties were trying to pull him to their side now that he had acquired some power. It looked like this was going to be his life for the near future. Ethan didn't like that thought at all.

"This might be selfish of me, but I'd like to return to the bamboo grove as soon as possible."

Ethan stopped in his tracks when he heard the unexpected words coming out of Adelina's mouth.

"Isn't this place better than the bamboo grove where you have nothing to do?"

"I know I left everything under the servants' care, but I'd like to see the trees I've planted. Even if I pull out the weeds every single day, they continue to pop back up. And now that I've bought the cotton, there's something I'd like to do. Maybe it's because I've called that place home for the past few months, but I find our home in the bamboo grove to be a lot more comfortable."