Chapter 50

Adelina nodded her head. All she took with her was the bow and arrows that Scarr had given her as well as the jewelry box her mother had left her.

When Adelina answered him, Scarr took out a pouch from his breast pocket.

"I wasn't in my right mind back then, so I forgot to give this to you. This is the key to your mother's jewelry box."

"What? But you already gave me the key."

"That's what I gave your mother when we got married. There is a real key and a fake key. The one you have is the fake key."

Adelina opened the pouch and peered inside. The key had a different shape than the one she had. When she picked up the pouch, Scarr's hand closed around hers.

His hands were now wrinkled with age. Adelina lowered her eyes.

"Don't overwork yourself, Father."

When Adelina repeated her request, Scarr nodded. Adelina had already handed Nisha the hair tie that they'd bought at the marketplace, so she exited the room as she bid him farewell.