Chapter 27 The First One Appears!

Different from the "upgrade one" ranking, the hero's combat power ranking is announced in a centralized manner, so the scene is naturally more grand.

I saw the common characters on the battlefields of all races, the size of which were acres, all in golden color, appearing above the thousand-meter-high fog of war, which was shocking.

And in the eyes of all lords, the list is facing them.

[No. 100 on the Hero Power List, Lord Wang Jie, Hero Andrew, rewarded with uncommon treasure chest*1, reputation*1]

[Number 99 on the Hero Power List, Lord Li Shuang...]

"Damn it, it really should be announced from the back to the front!"

"It is said that thousands of years ago, the list was announced starting from the first place! Unfortunately, later on, Tiandao seemed to have learned this bad habit from human variety shows."

"It's not Tiandao's fault. If the announcement starts from the top, will you still read the rest?"

"That's right, but does Heavenly Dao also need traffic..."

"You don't need traffic, but if you don't read the rankings announced by Tiandao, Tiandao will be very embarrassed!"

"I see!"

"Wait patiently, one will be announced in one second! We will soon be in the top ten!"

Wang Jie: "Hahaha, I'm in the top 100, a little bit of prestige! That's a lot of prestige!!!"

"Another crazy one!"

"If you can enter the top 100, your performance may not be as good as him!"

Tiandao only ranks, and does not announce specific combat power, attributes, or even grades.

This is very humane.

After all, these are the biggest secrets of a lord. Once leaked, they can easily be targeted by opponents.

Less than 2 minutes.

11-100 people have been announced.

Although the items are all high-quality treasure chests, the reputation rewards are different.

[No. 10 on the Hero Power List, Lord Wei Ming, Hero Eva, Reward Rare Treasure Box*1, Reputation*20]

Wei Ming: "There are so many big guys in our town, but my rare hero is only ranked tenth! But fortunately, I entered the top ten and won a rare treasure box."

Mu Qingshuang: "Congratulations!"

It is completely different from the earth where Jiang Chen lived in his previous life.

Blue Star has powerful royal families such as Xian Qin, Sheng Tang, and Ming Dynasties, and below that there are countless thousand-year-old lords and family heads, so the degree of centralization is not high.

As a result, most of the resources are controlled by the lord families, and the military is getting poorer and poorer.

Mu Qingshuang, a military lieutenant, was nothing more than an elite hero.

Lin Mo: "Tenth place is pretty good, so what if I place second place? It's also a rare treasure chest!"

Wei Ming: "At least it has a high reputation!"

"Strange, why the ninth place hasn't been announced yet!"

"Is your main course taught by a music teacher? I didn't even know the time between the top ten would be extended appropriately!"

"It makes sense! The top ten should have some ranking, so the famous people should stay for a while."


The glory belonging to Wei Ming faded away, and a new line of golden characters appeared.

[Ninth place on the hero combat power list, Lord Tushan Yueyue (Tianhu Clan), hero heart core, rewarded with rare treasure box*1, reputation*30. ]

"Damn it, is this fox clan sister so strong?"

"I always thought she was a cute girl!"

"She is indeed a cute girl, but she is also a boss! A cute boss!"

Tushan Yueyue: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori, I put 100 spirit stones on myself, now I'm really at a loss!"

Jiang Chen: "You suppressed yourself too? How many people did you suppress?"

Complaints are complaints, but Jiang Chen was still a little surprised.

"This little fox is actually a rare hero?

"An Chuxia, the only daughter of Donghai City Lord An Luoxi, is nothing more than a rare hero!"

[Eighth on the Hero Power List, Lord An Chuxia...]

The top ten are announced in sequence.

Not surprisingly, except for Tushan Yueyue, the top ten are all well-known second-generation leaders.

But the accident still happened.

Just when the third place was announced.

[Third place on the hero combat power list, Lord Lin Mo, hero Garcia, rewarded with rare treasure chest*1, reputation*100. ]

After a moment of dead silence.

Lin Mo: "Third place??? How can I be third place?"

"Isn't Mr. Lin Mo an outstanding hero?"

"Holy crap! Our town actually hides another lord with an outstanding hero!"

"Hidden dragon and crouching tiger!"

"Generally speaking, in the hero power list, a rare hero is enough to become the top of the novice town!"

Wei Ming: "I'm a little excited. I really want to know who the boss is!"

An Chuxia: "Hurry, the second place will be announced soon!"

Tushan Yueyue: "The second place won't be brother Jiang Chen, right?"

Lin Mo: "Girl, are you kidding me?"

Ying Yinman: "Two outstanding heroes appeared in a novice town. Jiangnan Province is indeed full of talents."

Lin Mo: "Brother Ying Yinman, please stop making fun of us. Compared with Longzhou, our Jiangnan Province's background is far inferior!"

Ying Yinman: "It's already very good. Not everyone in Longzhou is as strong as me!"

The time interval between third place and second place has once again lengthened.


"Look, the second place is announced!"

"I want to see who the big boss is, hiding so deeply?"

Everyone looked up.

After seeing the line of golden characters shining in the sky.

Everyone was shocked!

[Second in the hero combat power list, the lord wins Yinman, the hero receives sweetness, and is rewarded with a rare treasure chest*1 and a reputation*100. ]




There was silence for ten seconds.

The first one to jump out was actually not Ying Yinman.

Lin Mo: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I have seen with my own eyes the strength of that hero Ying Yinman! My outstanding hero is definitely no match!!! How could she not be number one?"

Lin Mo is going crazy.

A small half of his net worth overshadowed his own, and a large half of his net worth overshadowed Ying Yinman's.

He even owed hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones in foreign debt.

Not only Lin Mo, but also the lord who defeated Yin Man all collapsed.

"My spirit stone! All my belongings!! I can't live anymore!!!"

The person who suppressed Lin Mo suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

"Although I also lost everything, you lost everything!"

"That's right! Where is the villain who just got his way?"

"Win the second place, Mr. Yinman?! Who is the first place?"

"Is there any royal descendant hanging around in our novice town?"

"Quick! Look through the list of lords and see if there are others named Zhu, Li, or Ying. If not, Aixinjueluo will do!"

"Aixinjueluo, let's forget it...look at how our Dragon Kingdom has been bullied by the Sakura Kingdom in the seventh heaven?"

Soon someone noticed something special.

"Why does the name Meng Tian sound familiar?"

"Meng Tian, ​​Meng Tian... Oh my god, the sister of Meng Tian, ​​the quasi-mythical lord of Xian Qin, is called Meng Tian."

"What are you dreaming about? That senior Meng Tian is a legendary lord. He is a figure enshrined in the Immortal Palace of Immortal Qin. He has appeared many times in history textbooks. How can he become a hero?"

"I didn't say they were the same person, I just said they had the same name!"

Wei Ming: "I'm off topic, have you found the top boss?"

"No, it's really annoying!"

The gap between second place and first place is longer.

Everyone was scratching their heads and ears anxiously.

Ying Yinman is still well-informed.

Ying Yinman: "Please be quiet and let Tiandao announce it as soon as possible. Tiandao is sometimes like a computer program. The more heated the discussion, the slower the announcement will be, because He is leaving time for everyone to discuss."

Wei Ming: "Don't be discouraged if you win the Yin Man boss!"

Ying Yinman: "Disheartened? Haha, it's just a treasure chest of excellence! I just find it interesting!"


After everyone stopped discussing, the list in the sky belonging to Ying Yinman slowly faded away.

Instead, there was a new line of golden characters.

The first one appears.