Chapter 28 Everyone’S Attention! Can't Afford To Lose? Real Sudden Wealth!

[First place on the hero combat power list, Lord Jiang Chen, Hero Empress, rewarded with an outstanding treasure chest*1 and reputation*200. ]

The dazzling golden top of the sky made everyone subconsciously open their mouths.

The originally bustling regional channel suddenly fell into deathly silence.

The weird thing is.

Jiang Chen's name only stayed in the sky for half a minute, and then quickly faded away.

Only then did everyone react.

"Wait, why is this gone? I even wonder if I saw it wrong..."

Someone smiled bitterly and said:

"No one is discussing it, Tiandao feels like it's being left out!"

"It's not that everyone doesn't discuss it... but how can we discuss it? Jiang Chen is at the top of the list?"

"This is too exaggerated. He is a civilian!"

"It turns out that Jiang Chen pressed those 10,000 spirit stones himself!"

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is really a descendant of the Jiang family in the provincial capital?"

"Even the Jiang family in the provincial capital would not be so generous as to come up with an epic hero order!"

"Who said it must be an epic hero? This time it is the 'Hero Power List', not the 'Hero Quality List'. Maybe his hero level is high. Don't forget, he has a team of outstanding centaurs, and they can obtain energy very quickly. slow."


"Empress? This hero has such a domineering name!!!"

"In the history of Blue Star, only the head of the Wu family in the fifth heaven, with the sun and moon in the sky, dared to use the title 'Empress'!"

"Boss Jiang Chen, can you tell me what kind of hero this 'empress' is?"

Different from the last crusade, this time Jiang Chen really attracted everyone's attention.

3 kilometers outside An Chuxia's territory.

Ying Yinman opened her mouth slightly and looked at the name at the top of the list in disbelief.

She thought of countless possibilities, but she didn't think of Jiang Chen.

"Sister Meng, do you think classmate Jiang Chen is really just a commoner? He's not a descendant of some royal family living among the people, right?"

Meng Tian was also a little confused.

"This... maybe maybe..."

An Chuxia murmured:

"No wonder this guy asked me to go home and ask my mother for money. It turns out that he already knew that he was at the top of the list. Ah, my 500,000 spiritual stones!"

"But this is not a bad thing. I wanted to give him spiritual stones before, but he didn't want them. This time, I will help the poor as a young lady, hehe!"

Lin Mo's body swayed, and with the help of the hero beside him, he barely managed to avoid falling.

"How could it be him?"

"The person who caused me to lose millions of spiritual stones was actually a commoner?"

He still remembered the scene when he arrogantly recruited Jiang Chen yesterday.

"Thanks to me for letting him become my 'sheep number'!"

Thinking about it now, I just want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Damn! Who is this guy?"

"With a pair of centaur leaders, and now a hero who is at least an outstanding level, I'm afraid the strength is still higher than mine."

"You can go back and forth to Blue Star the day after tomorrow. You must check his background carefully!"

Lin Mo forced himself to calm down and suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, the [Cruelment Order] was bought by Li Muche's SB. If I go to conquer Jiang Chen's territory, I'm afraid it will end in the same way. The best outcome is that both sides lose!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo secretly made a calculation.

"A good man doesn't suffer the consequences of his life!"

"Do you want to get a [City Relocation Order] first to move the territory? With my strength, I can easily win the position of mayor in any novice town. There is no need to fight with these perverts in 10086 Town. "

Compared with Lin Mo, the performance of dozens of other lords was even worse.

They all gnashed their teeth.

"Jiang Chen! It's actually Jiang Chen!"

"If you really are a member of the royal family like Ying Yinman, I will admit it!"

"But he is a commoner, why?"

A small number of them are second-generation leaders. Hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones may be a stretch, but they may not be able to raise another sum of spiritual stones after returning to Blue Star.

But most of them really went bankrupt, and even sold off all the properties in Blue Star for the battlefield of all races.


A little lord's eyes were full of madness:

"It's all Jiang Chen's fault! It's all Jiang Chen's fault!"

"If it weren't for Jiang Chen, Big Brother Yinman would be the top of the list, and we'd already made a lot of money!"

This statement was immediately echoed by many people.

"Although Jiang Chen deserves to die, we don't have to let him die!"

"Yes, as long as he can return our spiritual stone, I will forgive him!"

"How can we just return the principal? We also deserve the 28% odds!"

"What if Jiang Chen doesn't give it?"

"No, who gave him the courage to offend so many of our lords at the same time?"


A cold voice came.

"If you can't afford to lose, don't gamble!"

An Chuxia took a step forward:

"Who dares to say a bad word about Jiang Chen again?"

A second-generation leader looked unhappy:

"An Chuxia, what do you mean? If I remember correctly, you also suppressed Ying Yinman!"

An Chuxia sneered:

"So what if I suppress you? I'm willing to admit defeat. Have you not weaned yourself yet? Don't you even understand this?"

Another lord shouted:

"What nonsense are you talking about, An Chuxia?"

"How could we be here if you hadn't summoned us?"

"If we hadn't come here, we wouldn't have seen Ying Yinman's strength, let alone suppressed all our belongings!"

"So, you have to bear the responsibility for our losses!"

"Giggle..." An Chuxia laughed angrily, too lazy to talk nonsense to these gamblers who couldn't afford to lose, "Get out of my territory!"

The lord's complexion changed drastically and he was about to have a seizure.

But another faint voice came.

"According to what you say, I am also responsible?"

He turned to look.

Ying Yinman stepped forward gently and stared at him calmly.

He opened his mouth, finally remembering Meng Tian's terror, and laughed dryly:

"Haha, big brother, if it's wrong for you to be strong, then there's nothing right in the world?"

"You also know that I am strong!" Ying Yinman laughed, "Jiang Chen's hero's combat power is still higher than that of Sister Meng. Who gave you the courage to question him?"

The second-generation leader looked stunned, and then said with a face full of reluctance:

"But you are a descendant of the royal family, and he is just a commoner..."

Ying Yinman interrupted him:

"If you have nothing to do, disappear as soon as possible! If you have time to play tricks and tricks, wouldn't it be nice to upgrade?"

Under the pressure of Ying Yinman.

Including Lin Mo, the lords left in despair.

But they couldn't hide the unwillingness in their eyes.

An Chuxia then sighed:

"They are obsessed with profit! These gamblers who have lost everything will probably not give up! I have to remind Jiang Chen!"

Ying Yinman said:

"It's mediocre not to be envied by others! There are more monks than meat on the battlefield of all races. If you are afraid of trouble, you might as well return to Blue Star as soon as possible to retire."

"Ahem..." Meng Tian leaned close to Ying Yinman's ear and whispered, "Your Highness, there are more wolves than meat!"

An Chuxia smiled and said:

"Thank you so much this time, sister Ying. By the way, I'm 19 years old, so it's okay to call you sister!"

Ying Yinman said excitedly:

"Then I will call you sister Chuxia."

Meng Tian whispered again:

"If Your Highness likes this little girl, you can find her family and ask her to be a maid for you."

"And... Your Highness, you are only 18 years old."

Ying Yinman: "Shh, lower your voice, do you want me to be your sister?"

Meng Tian had no choice but to shut up.

Ying Yinman smiled and said:

"Sister Chuxia, you must have lost all your money! Sister will give you some pocket money first. If you don't have enough, ask for it again."

[Lord Ying Yinman will send you 1 million spiritual stones. ]

Then he waved his hands coolly:

"Sister is leaving!"

An Chuxia was stunned as she watched Immortal Qin Tieying turn into black spots.

Calling sister is 1 million spiritual stones! !

Does this guy have a mine at home?

Hundreds of meters in the air.

Ying Yinman flew side by side with Meng Tian and said angrily:

"Sister Meng, it must be Jiang Chen who snatched the epic boss before us?"

"I took advantage of all the benefits, but asked me to wipe his ass!!"

"Ahem..." Meng Tian coughed lightly and reminded, "Your Highness, be careful with your words!"

"This hero's combat power list is due to the carelessness of my subordinates," Meng Tian took the initiative to take responsibility.

"I just found out through the aura technique that Lin Mo's outstanding hero combat power is not high, so I relaxed my vigilance! But I didn't expect that the deepest hidden one, It's that Jiang Chen."

Ying Yinman consoled him: "Although Sister Meng is only at level 7, including two pieces of epic equipment, her combat power is already as high as 125 stars. In this way, Jiang Chen either has an epic hero, or he makes a desperate move and upgrades his outstanding hero to Level 15."

Meng Tian sighed: "No matter what the possibility is, this Jiang Chen cannot be underestimated! I was the one who underestimated him before!"

Hearing this, Ying Yinman rolled his eyes:

"Since Sister Meng recognizes Jiang Chen's strength, can I accept him as a vassal lord?"


Meng Tian was speechless.

His Highness had been preparing the ground for a long time, and it turned out that he was waiting for her here.

[Tip: If you rank first in this Hero Power Ranking, you will be rewarded with an excellent treasure chest*1 and a reputation*200. ]

A beam of light wrapped around the Excellent Treasure Box and fell down, and was directly taken into the lord's space by Jiang Chen.

"200 reputation points!!!"

An outstanding treasure chest is no longer in Jiang Chen's eyes.

But 200 reputation points are a good thing!

Not only can reputation be used to purchase rare treasures in the [Hall of Reputation], but a high reputation can also trigger various events more easily, such as "caravan passing by", "strong men defecting", etc.

The reminders from Heaven did not stop.

[Tip: You won the top spot on the hero power list. Your bet amount was 10,000, accounting for 99.01% of the winning amount, and you received 4,752,480 spirit stones]

"4.75 million spiritual stones!!!"

With the huge sum of money in his pocket, Jiang Chen would be lying if he said he wasn't excited.

He has never been richer.

"Including the 126 pieces of fine equipment sold last night and the hundreds of spiritual foods just sold, the spiritual stones in my hand have already exceeded the 5 million mark."

"Of course, there are more places to spend money!"

"Strengthen the equipment and the Flowing Palm skill book? Get a few more epic troops? Or strengthen the farmland and kitchen, or... build the [Tianyin Pavilion]..."