Chapter 35 The 2Nd Reward Has Started And The 2Nd Reward Has Ended.

[Tip: you eat monster meat (legendary), your physique will be +8, your spiritual power will be +4, and your soul will be +4]


Seeing the reminder from Tiandao, Jiang Chen suddenly exclaimed.

"A bite of meat increases attributes by 16 points. Is this the effect of a legendary spiritual object!!!"

Jiang Chen clenched his fists, enjoying the powerful power surging in his body.

This is just ordinary barbecue. If it is cooked carefully, the effect will definitely be stronger.

He suddenly remembered that there were many high-quality catering buildings in the enhanced list of the [Kitchen] drawing.

At this time, the empress also said with satisfaction:

"It can actually increase my physical strength by 1 point. It is indeed a legendary ingredient!"

Giselle rarely smiled: "Lord, I have gained 2 points of physical strength."

Jiang Chen listened to everyone's reports and expressed great satisfaction.

"Come on, come on, everyone, keep eating!"

Everyone feasted happily.

But Jiang Chen looked at the people enjoying the food and fell into deep thought.

There are only 150 units of legendary quality spiritual meat, and this meal consumed 10 units!

If I could kill a legendary monster...

Think of this.

Jiang Chen subconsciously glanced at Long Jiu who was looking at him eagerly.

Long Jiu asked stupidly: "Lord, can Xiao Jiu eat meat?"

Jiang Chen suddenly felt intense guilt in his heart.

"Xiaojiu has always been loyal, but I actually came up with the idea of ​​killing and eating meat. Although it is only subconscious, it shouldn't be!"

Jiang Chen felt a little guilty, so he picked up a large piece of spiritual flesh and threw it into the air.

"Xiaojiu, continue!"

Long Jiu opened his bloody mouth and bit it in one bite.

Jiang Chen asked with concern: "Is it delicious?"

"I swallowed it, but I didn't taste anything." Long Jiuba chirped a few times, "Can I give you another piece?"

Jiang Chen slapped the table: "Don't you know how to chew?"

"Chew?" Long Jiu looked aggrieved, "Why do you need to chew such a big piece of meat? If you don't swallow it quickly, it will be stuffed between your teeth!"

Looking at Long Jiu's head, which was as big as a house, Jiang Chen sighed.

The empress smiled and comforted:

"Xiaojiu, your dragon can transform at level 20, right?"

Long Jiu's eyes lit up, and then he said anxiously: "I don't know what Xiao Jiu will look like after she transforms. If she can be half as beautiful as the empress sister, Xiao Jiu will be satisfied!"

Spending such a long time together and fighting side by side.

The relationship between the empress and the dragons is already very harmonious.

Everyone was eating and chatting.

Toot toot—

The prompt sounded suddenly.

"Is this prompt sound an announcement from Heaven?"

There are too many messages in the regional channel, so Jiang Chen has specially set up reminders for announcements.

He turns on the regional channel.

[Announcement: Announcement of the ranking reward system for the next stage. ]

[The first lord who upgrades to the second copy will be rewarded with an excellent treasure chest. ]

[The 2nd to 10th lords who upgrade a copy will be rewarded with a rare treasure chest. ]

[The 11th to 100th lord who upgrades a copy will be rewarded with a sophisticated treasure chest. ]

Looking at the announcement, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Finally announced the reward system for level 2 territory!"

"I upgraded to level 2 yesterday! I should... get first place, right?"

Although Jiang Chen already looked down upon the Excellence Treasure Box.

But reputation rewards are something that even kings and domain lords should have more of, the better.

Tiandao's sudden prompt made the regional channel lively.

"Finally announced the reward for upgrading to 2 copies?"

"Another Excellent Treasure Chest! Why are the new area rewards so good this time?"

"Perhaps, only our town can reward it!"


"Why else? We have so many bosses in our town!"

"Everyone said, who will be at the top of the list?"

"This time I stand with Boss Jiang Chen. Boss Jiang Chen already obtained the refined iron ore yesterday and has even started selling refined iron equipment in batches!"

"I also stand with Jiang Chen, boss!"

Surprisingly this time, most of the lords agreed that Jiang Chen could win the top spot.

Wei Ming: "Brothers, do you want to bet again? Just bet on the top spot? This time I will set up a bet!"

Mu Qingshuang: "Is little brother Wei Ming also confident in upgrading to the top of the 2 books? Just like Lin Mo?"

Wei Ming: "No, no, it's just a little gambling for fun!"

But Mu Qingshuang really guessed it right.

Because Jiang Chen casually wiped out the goblin tribe that occupied the concentrated iron ore when he passed by in the morning, Wei Ming had already mined the concentrated iron ore for a day, and just collected enough resources before Tiandao announced the list, winning two books in seconds.

Tushan Yueyue: "Okay! Anyway, no matter what the ranking is from now on, I will bet on brother Jiang Chen to win!"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen was extremely depressed.

Jiang Chen: "Have you reaped the benefits?"

Tushan Yueyue: "Hmm, I made more than 40,000 spirit stones in one go today, so happy!"

Wei Ming: "Since everyone has no objection, I will go to the exchange to open a betting market!"

But Tiandao didn't give him a chance.

[Announcement: Lord Jiang Chen is the first to upgrade to Level 2 Lord's territory and will be rewarded with an outstanding treasure chest. ]

[Announcement: The first lord, Jiang Chen, upgrades to level 2 lord's territory, and will be rewarded with 100 reputation points. ]


Wei Ming was speechless.

He wasn't the first one.

Fortunately I didn't gamble! ! !

Immediately afterwards.

[Announcement: The lord who wins the second place in Yinman will be upgraded to the second level lord's territory and will be rewarded with a rare treasure chest. ]

[Announcement: If the lord wins the second place in Yinman, he will be upgraded to level 2 lord's territory and will be rewarded with 50 reputation points. ]


Wei Ming is going crazy.

The second place is actually not him! ! !

[Announcement: Lord Wei Ming's third place upgrades to level 3 Lord's territory and will be rewarded with a rare treasure chest. ]

[Announcement: Lord Wei Ming's third place will be upgraded to Level 3 Lord's territory, and he will be rewarded with 30 reputation points. ]

Wei Ming finally let out a breath.

But everyone else was speechless.

Tushan Yueyue: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu is right, it's brother Jiang Chen again, Yue Yue feels like she missed another 100 million!"

"Ranking 2 has begun, ranking 2 has ended!"

"Although it's a little disrespectful to say this...but they are really a bunch of old yinbi!"

"I said, bosses, can you leave some way for ordinary lords like us to survive?"

"I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes and was assigned to a novice town with these perverts."

The lords were full of complaints.

"Normally speaking, those who can upgrade level 2 territory in 3 days are all big guys! After all, the iron ore guards need to be cleaned up!! But now in just one and a half days, there are 3 people with level 2 territory?"

"See you soon!"

"Fortunately, I didn't bet. I plan to beat the crowd and beat the Yinman boss."

Ying Yinman: "Am I an unpopular person?"

"Slip of the tongue, boss, don't blame me!"

As for Jiang Chen.

He ignored the ridicule from everyone in the regional channel, and even ignored the rare treasure chest.

Instead, he looked at Tiandao's prompts.

[Tip: Your reputation exceeds 300 points and you are already well-known in the county. ]

[Tip: A caravan has heard of your name and has already set off for your territory. Perhaps, you should prepare enough spirit stones. ]

Jiang Chen's eyes showed a strange look.

"A special event was triggered?"

"Is it because I am the first lord whose reputation reaches 'somewhat famous'!"