Chapter 36 Damn It, He Did It Again! Military Strength List!

This is the benefit of having a high reputation.

As far as Jiang Chen knew, there were a lot of good things in this kind of caravan cargo.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to "grow" an epic item.

Of course, the price of goods in the caravan is not cheap.

"If Ying Yinman were to meet her, she could buy the entire caravan..."

Jiang Chen secretly complained.


What Jiang Chen is looking forward to is not some epic item.

What he was looking forward to was the kind of off-the-beaten-path low-level props.

Such as seeds, various drawings, exercises, skill books, etc.

at this time.

To everyone's surprise, Tiandao made another announcement.

[Announcement: Since the strength of the arms in 10086 town is generally higher than that of other towns, the "arms combat power" ranking list will be triggered. ]

[The first place in the combat strength of the unit will be rewarded an epic treasure chest by its lord. ]

[For troops ranked 2-10 in combat strength, their respective lord will reward an outstanding treasure chest. ]

[For those ranked 11th to 100th in terms of military strength, their respective lord will reward them with a rare treasure chest. ]

[Calculation rules: The sum of the combat power of all the attribute panels of the lord's troops. ]

[Settlement time: 12:00 noon the day after tomorrow. ]

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

After a moment of silence, the regional channel was detonated! !

"An epic treasure chest appears in the novice town. This is simply unprecedented!!"

"It's not surprising, the stronger the troops participating in the ranking lord, the better the rewards will be!"

"The settlement time is noon the day after tomorrow, which happens to be the time when the return to Blue Star channel opens!"


A lord discovered something fishy! ! !

"Everyone, please note that the calculation rule is the sum of the panel combat power of all arms, not the highest combat power of the arm!"

"Ah...doesn't this mean that we can build private houses to increase the population limit, and then explode our troops to increase our combat power?"

"Woooooo, finally give us ordinary lords a way to survive!"

"No need for an epic treasure box, just give me a rare treasure box. Boss Jiang Chen relied on a rare treasure box to change his life!"

Seeing the chance to change their fate, all the lords went crazy!

Even Jiang Chen was a little jealous.

He doesn't care too much about the Excellent Treasure Chest anymore, but the Epic Treasure Chest is different.

The last epic treasure chest yielded 10 tons of dragon tooth rice.

"Is the calculation rule the sum of the combat power of all arms?"

"If someone really goes crazy and piles up combat power, I won't be able to handle the combined combat power of thousands of low-level troops!"


Jiang Chen is still confident.

"Why don't you just explode the troops? Who can't?"

"Brother has [Tianyin Pavilion]!"

"You blast the ordinary troops, and I blast the outstanding troops. Let's see who has the highest combat power!!!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen issued an order through the Lord's Heart.

"All farmers in the gold mining area work overtime, and when they collect 1,000 units of gold, they take a break."

Nong Yi: "Lord, don't worry, I will fight to the death to complete the mission!"

Ying Yinman gritted his teeth as he looked at the two rewards.

"Damn it! He's pretending to do it again!"

Ying Yinman discovered concentrated iron ore yesterday, and ten epic farmers worked hard to mine it. They destroyed two lords' mansions in two hours.

She combines genius, kryptonian skills, and luck to be able to upgrade 2 books on the first day.

But no matter how fast she went, she still couldn't get faster than Jiang Chen, a loser.

Meng Tian is also puzzled.

"Even if Jiang Chen discovered concentrated iron ore before us, how could his mining speed be so fast?"

"Could he also have epic farmers?"

"But isn't he a civilian?"

Ying Yinman, who was in a depressed mood, said with full of malice:

"Sister Meng, tell me, is Jiang Chen really a descendant of some royal family, the kind who is wild and favored?"

Meng Tian also had some doubts:

"It's not impossible, Your Highness, when you return to Blue Star the day after tomorrow, you can send someone to investigate."

Meng Tian volunteered to become a hero. Although his body was dead but his soul was still alive, because he was loyal to the First Emperor, his favorability towards Ying Yinman could never reach 100 points.

Therefore, she will never be able to return to Blue Star in her life.


Ying Yinman just nodded, then suddenly laughed and said:

"Hahaha! Great!"

"What's the matter, Your Highness?"

"It's the military strength list! Tiandao just triggered the first 'arms strength list'!"

Ying Yinman looked delighted:

"And the top reward is actually an epic treasure chest. Such a high reward must be because my troops are so strong!"

Meng Tian also sighed:

"I didn't expect that the epic treasure chest would appear so soon. We have several teams of epic troops. This time, His Highness can finally get what he wanted and win the top spot!"

Ying Yinman nodded first, then changed the topic:

"But that guy Jiang Chen is too evil. As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. This time, just to be on the safe side, I will also explode the low-level soldiers' combat power!"

"Explode low-level soldiers?"

Meng Tian frowned:

"Your Highness, the food is okay, just spend money to buy it, but wasting energy to blast low-level soldiers for an epic treasure chest is not worth the gain!"

Ying Yinman rolled his eyes:

"Sister Meng, I have lost the top spot three times in a row. This time I am ranked second. Even if I am embarrassed, my father's face will be embarrassed by me!"

Meng Tian's expression was stifled, and she said helplessly: "Okay!"

Even His Majesty the First Emperor had moved out, so what else could she say.

"Thank you, Sister Meng!" Ying Yinman nodded heavily at first, and then suddenly remembered something, "Jiang Chen also said he would sell me equipment tonight, but what time is it now, have you forgotten me?"


He actually dialed Jiang Chen's video directly.

When Meng Tian saw this, he immediately frowned.

"Your Highness is only 18 years old, which is the age when love begins. After entering the battlefield of all races, you have let yourself go a little bit!"

"Do you need to... report to His Majesty the First Emperor?"

[Your friend request video. ]

Jiang Chen originally thought it was An Chuxia.

But I didn't expect it to be an unexpected person.

After being connected, Jiang Chen said politely:

"Brother Ying Yinman, do you have anything to do with me?"

Jiang Chen would take a financial sponsor of Ying Yinman's level seriously, whether he was a man or a woman, even if it was a pig.

Although he went there for the money, Jiang Chen's eyes still flashed with surprise the moment he saw Ying Yinman's holographic image.

In terms of looks alone, An Chuxia is soft and beautiful, while Ying Yinman has a heroic spirit. Both of them have their own merits.

But Ying Yinman's innate noble temperament was not comparable to An Chuxia's.

"Have you forgotten?" Ying Yinman looked unkind, "Who said you want to sell me something at night?"

Jiang Chen indeed forgot.

"How could you forget? I've almost prepared everything. I'll send you the illustrated book now!"


Ying Yinman suddenly interrupted Jiang Chen and said seriously:

"You just killed dozens of lords. Although Chu Xia has already defended you, I also believe Chu Xia."

"But after all, dozens of lives are involved, I still hope you can tell what happened."

"I have no ill intentions, I just confirmed that you are not the Blood Lord. I hope you don't mind."

Jiang Chen's eyes showed admiration.

Worthy of being the winner of Xian Qin and a descendant of the First Queen, Ying Yinman was very responsible in dealing with the issue of the bloody lord.

"I understand, I understand! Everyone in the Blood Lord will be punished. This is the video I recorded at that time. Boss, please take a look!"

With that said, Jiang Chen sent a video to him. It was the video of He Qi yelling at him after surrounding him.

Jiang Chen could resist Long Aotian and refuse Ying Yinman's request.

But if something can be explained clearly in a few words, why do you have to have a misunderstanding with Ying Yinman and start a meaningless fight?

After Ying Yinman watched the video, he also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"Although you are fishing for law enforcement, they are motivated by interests and deserve to die!"

Then he stretched out his hand:

"Where's the thing you want to sell? Show it to me!"