Chapter 65 One Hundred Million Spirit Stones! Mayor's Authority!

after an hour.

[Announcement: Lord Ying Yinman successfully resisted the 17th wave of alien invasion! ]

[Announcement: Lord Jiang Chen successfully launched the 23rd wave of alien invasion in the area! ]

[Announcement: Lord An Chuxia successfully resisted the 14th wave of alien invasion! ]

After the 21st wave, the number, level, and quality of monsters have greatly increased, and more than 20 levels of epic monsters [Balrogs] have appeared.

But Jiang Chen's speed did not slow down at all.

An Chuxia: "Jiang Chen, Sister Ying, the 14 waves have reached my limit. I will retreat first. You must not lose both sides!"

Ying Yinman: "Chu Xia, don't persuade me, persuade him!"

Jiang Chen: "Same as above!"

An Chuxia looked helpless:

"The Blue Star channel has been opened. Hurry up, I'm still waiting to return to Blue Star."

"I wonder if mom has gotten the high-level dwarf weapon talisman?"

Each time you travel to and from Blue Star, you can carry 10 grids of props in the Lord Space.

For any second-generation leader, this is an opportunity to significantly increase their strength.

[Tip: Lord An Chuxia withdraws from the battlefield. ]

Only Jiang Chen and Ying Yinman were left on the battlefield.

The two of them said nothing.

Ying Yinman was angry with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to explain.

Another two hours passed.

[Announcement: Lord Jiang Chen successfully resisted the 28th wave of alien invasion! ]

Looking at the announcement, Ying Yinman clenched his fists, his eyes filled with disbelief.

" on earth did he do it?"

She had just solved the 25th wave of invasion and had caught up with some progress.

But starting from the 23rd wave of invasion, his troops had to use skills.

And just now, if Meng Tian hadn't used the yin and yang combined energy mudra at the critical moment, the Hundred Battles Armor-Piercing Army would have suffered casualties.

Meng Tian said in a deep voice:

"Your Highness, there are not many potions to restore spiritual power. If we try our best, we should be able to resist three more waves of invasion, but the soldiers may also suffer heavy casualties!"

As a protector, she only stated the facts and believed that Ying Yinman would make the right choice.

"It would be great if the battle to break the realm starts tomorrow, so that I can return to Blue Star to pick up another batch of talismans, equipment and potions!"

Ying Yinman sighed, and then suddenly said calmly:

"It's a pity...there is no if!"

Meng Tian sighed with emotion: "Jiang Chen not only has the ability, but also has great opportunities! The terrifying power of the water source that I sensed through the qi-gazing technique yesterday is probably inseparable from Jiang Chen!"

"Opportunity is also a part of strength, so this time I am convinced that I lost!"

Speaking of this, Ying Yinman laughed loudly:


"Interesting! I thought that with my background, I would be hard-pressed to meet an opponent after entering the battlefield of all races!"

"I didn't expect to meet such an interesting guy in a novice town!"

In Ying Yinman's smile, there is three parts calmness, three parts wantonness and three parts arrogance!

If Jiang Chen were here, he would definitely exclaim:

Damn it, fan chart.

"General Bai Cong, please pass on my order to attack the 26th wave of monsters with all your strength!"

Bai Cong said respectfully:

"Yes, Your Highness!"


Meng Tian, ​​Bai Cong, Bai Zhan Armor-Piercing Army, and Iron Eagle Rui Shi poured out their skills wantonly and easily destroyed the 26th wave of aliens.


Their spiritual power was exhausted and they could no longer resist the next wave of attacks.

[Lord Ying Yinman will send you 110 million spiritual stones. ]

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said:

"This girl is really happy!"

"But why are there 10 million more spiritual stones?"

Didi didi——

Ying Yinman's video request followed.

After Jiang Chen connected to the video, he didn't embarrass Ying Yinman.

"The winner of the Immortal Qin Dynasty, the descendant of the First Empress, really sticks to his word, which is admirable!"

There was no trace of frustration on Ying Yinman's face, but she smiled and said:

"I'm just willing to admit defeat. There is nothing worthy of praise!"

Jiang Chen appreciated this even more.

If it were him, he would be heartbroken to death after losing 100 million spiritual stones.

Of course, maybe they are really not short of money!

Ying Yinman goes straight to the point:

"I wonder where I lost?"

Jiang Chen finally knew why there were 10 million extra spiritual stones.

It turned out to be "information fee".

If you don't make money, you are a bastard.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, then turned on the rear camera with video function and pointed it at the sky.

"Is this explanation enough?"

Ying Yinman looked at the 12 giant beasts flying in the sky and took a breath of air:

"The legendary dragon? It's enough for a small team!"

Jiang Chen smiled and did not explain.

There are two reasons why the dragon was used to deal with Ying Yinman.

First of all, the dragon has been exposed to An Chuxia and her daughter.

Secondly, in his territory, the dragons were almost reduced to transport soldiers.

At the same level, Angel Yan alone can kill the entire dragon squad.

After the empress wears the legendary suit, her strength is still higher than before.

Jiutian Shengji has the Queen's control bonus, and with the Great Sumeru Sword Style, one person can fight two giant dragons.

Even the goddess warrior, an epic-level unit, has far greater potential than the dragon because of its extreme attributes.

Moreover, now exposing a team of dragons with the weakest combat power would save Ying Yinman from thinking too much.

"The epic treasure chest can actually produce legendary weapons. You really have great luck!"

Ying Yinman understood again, and then smiled:

"I have a proposal!"

"What proposal?"

"I'll give you another 10 million spiritual stones. You don't have to be a vassal lord. As long as you call me Sister Ying from now on, how about that?"

Jiang Chen looked strange.

Judging from the news obtained from City Lord An Luoxi.

This girl is in her early 18s at most, why is she so willing to be a sister?

You know, An Chuxia is 19 years old.

Jiang Chen didn't want to interfere too much with the benefactor's hobbies, and just said apologetically:

"If the boss has nothing else to do, my 29th wave of alien invasion is about to begin!"

Ying Yinman was stunned, "I've already given up, and you want to continue?"

Jiang Chen said: "There aren't many opportunities to gain energy like this. I'll hit a few more waves!"

No matter how imaginative Ren Yingyinman was, he could not imagine that Jiang Chen would reach the top of the small town rankings with his own strength.

"Then you should be careful. Legend has it that soldiers are hard to come by. If you die, I will feel sorry for you!"

Ying Yinman gave a few words of persuasion, and then said with a smile:

"You should think about the proposal I just made. If you think about it, come to me. We can negotiate the price."


Hang up the video directly.

"A big dog, what's the deal with two bad guys?"

Jiang Chen cursed in a low voice, and then looked at the spirit stones in his lord's account excitedly.

A 9-digit spiritual stone.

I have never seen so many RMBs in my previous life.

[Tip: Ying Yinman exits the battlefield]

Jiang Chen was the only one left on the battlefield.

He glanced at the points: 1,526,320.

Among them, Ying Yinman contributed nearly 300,000 points.

If this girl works hard, the 500,000 points mentioned before may be a bit exaggerated, but 400,000 points is still completely acceptable.

Immediately afterwards.

[Tip: You get the highest points in the 10086 town breaking battle and become the mayor of the town! ]

[Tip: You have the following permissions from the mayor:]

[①Hero position +1]

[②vassal lord +1]

[③Construction speed +10%]

[④Resource collection speed +10%]

[⑤ Obtain the mayor's exclusive building 'Any Door' (you need to consume spiritual stones when using it)]

[⑥ Appointment and removal of official positions in the town]

[⑦Set rules for lords moving in and out within the town]

[⑧Name of the town]

Although he had known about the mayor's bonus for a long time, Jiang Chen was still extremely happy.

But what would be a good name for a town?

Think of this.

Jiang Chen sent a message on the small town channel.

"We are crowdfunding for the name of the town. If you have any good ideas, you can leave a comment below this sentence!"

at the same time.

All the lords in the town also received the news of the birth of the mayor.

"The two bosses are so awesome. I'm afraid they have persisted for more than 25 waves for such a long time!!!"

"Boss Yinman is awesome, Boss Jiang Chen is even more awesome!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu If I had known that the two big guys were so awesome, I wouldn't have fought so hard!"

"Who is telling me that rewards cannot be mixed in the realm-breaking battle from now on? Who am I to worry about!"

Wei Ming: "Boss Jiang, kneel down and ask for an official position!"

Huang Xuan: "A baby that can scream will be fed by milk. I, Brother Wei, just let it go!"

There are quite a few people "online".

Perhaps they are all waiting for the mayor to be born.

29 waves of monsters started soon.

Jiang Chen ordered:

"For the following groups of monsters, try to delay them for as long as possible!"

Although she didn't know her intention, the empress still said in a deep voice: "Yes!"

Yan volunteered: "Lord, do you need me to join the battle?"

"hold on!"

Jiang Chen replied, and then took out the drawing of the spring eye.

"Use a cost-free enhancement opportunity, choose the enhancement direction ⑦⑥, the fountain of life!"