Chapter 66 Fountain Of Life! Undercurrent Is Surging!

The dazzling golden light rises, which is stronger than any previous props.

Yan opened his mouth in surprise.

in the territory.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and looked at Zuixian Tower, which was shrouded in golden light.

The golden light dissipated, and Jiang Chen played with the [Fountain of Life] drawing.

The construction of the Fountain of Life requires resources:

Energy: 400,000

Stone of Life*2000, which can be strengthened with ordinary stones. Each unit costs 10,000 spiritual stones.

Lightning strike wood*1000, can be strengthened with ordinary wood, 10000 spirit stones per unit.

Origin Gold*1000, which can be obtained by using gold to strengthen it. Each unit costs 15,000 spirit stones.

The total amount is 45 million spirit stones.

For a legendary building, it is naturally very cheap.


Upgrading the Fountain of Life also requires a lot of resources and energy.

Before starting to strengthen resources.

Jiang Chen waved his hand.


Countless upgrade halos rose.

More than 6 million energy disappeared, and more than 200 Tianyin disciples were all promoted to level 9.

The energy gained from the first 28 waves of alien races was completely consumed.

Being strong is important.

But as the number of monsters increased, the nearly 200-meter-long defense line mainly relied on Tianyin disciples to defend it.

After all, "more than a hundred aliens breaching the territory" means defense failure.

Jiang Chen was slowly racking up points.

This county announcement, thanks to the opening of the Blue Star Channel, finally spread.

With Qingyang County as the center, whether on the battlefield of all races or in the main world, undercurrents are quietly surging.

10010 town.


The young man wearing black armor punched out.

A white fist print the size of a water tank caused the void to roar, and strange phenomena suddenly appeared.

In the fist seal, you can vaguely see the mountains and rivers, and the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

If a knowledgeable person were present, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. This is the secret method [Mountains, Rivers and Bright Moon] not taught by the royal family of the Ming Dynasty.

The level 18 elite half-orc standing in front of the young man was instantly torn apart.

"What a small town ranking match! 50 points of all attributes and 5 points of luck!"

The young man laughed softly:

"Haha, I didn't expect that just a few days after the district was opened, Tiandao would give me such a great gift, Zhu Yeqing!"

"No, it's Town 10086 that we should be grateful for!"

"Jiang Chen, who was able to break through the territory in six days, created his own excellent army, is indeed extraordinary, but it's a pity that he took advantage of me!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Yeqing immediately announced the news on the town channel.

"Brothers and sisters from the Dragon Kingdom, everyone should have received the county announcement!"

"Zhu will formally introduce himself: I am a descendant of the Ming Dynasty and the 28th great-great-grandson of King Yan!"

"I would like to lead 10010 Town to win the first place in the town ranking competition. From now on, we will be blessed with luck and soar into the sky!"

"I wonder what Jun means?"

After a moment of silence.

There was a burst of cheers in the small town channel.

Zhu Yeqing was very satisfied.

"Okay, I will select 100 war lords..."

10222 town.

Discussions are going on in the regional channels.

"Town 10086 is actually in the same county as us, and it has already broken through!"

"Jiang Chen, who created the outstanding military unit, is from 10086 Town!"

Kanzaki Yuichi: "I have good news for everyone!"

"His Excellency Shenpachi is back? Is there any good news? Please tell me."

Kanzaki Yuichi: "After the announcement of the county seat, I immediately conducted an investigation. The result is that there are now more than 500 confirmed Sakura Country towns in Qingyang County!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a burst of cheers.

"Great, this way our Great Sakura Empire will have an absolute advantage in the county! Dominate Qingyang County!"

"Hahaha, Town 10086 broke through so early and has already been eliminated from the town rankings. This time our Great Sakura Empire will take over the top ten in the entire town rankings!"

"His Majesty Kampachi is a descendant of Empress Kammuten, and you can definitely lead us to win the first place!"

According to the rules of the battlefield of all races.

The numbers of newbie towns in a county may be consecutive or non-consecutive.

So before today, even if the lords knew their town number, they couldn't determine which county it belonged to.

But it's different now.

Jiang Chen completed the territory breaking, and Tiandao issued a county announcement.

Anyone who receives the announcement will definitely be in Qingyang County.

Blue Star, Donghai City.

After hearing her mother's investigation results, An Chuxia frowned and said:

"In other words, the lord of Sakura Country has the advantage in the county where our town is located!"

An Luoxi nodded and said:

"The position of the novice town in the battlefield of all races will generally be normally distributed according to the position of the main world!"

"If you're lucky, you can go directly to the hinterland of the Dragon Kingdom; if you're not lucky, it's possible even if you're surrounded by the lords of the Lighthouse Kingdom in the Western Hemisphere."

"My Donghai City is adjacent to Sakura Country and Nanbang Country. The location of your town is just shifted a little to the east. It's not surprising at all!"

In the battlefield of all races, fighting between the two lords is allowed, and will not be judged as a bloody lord.

Of course, the methods cannot be too cruel. After all, countries have to maintain the fig leaf of humanitarianism.

So what can be expected is that the future of Qingyang Town will definitely not be peaceful.

An Chuxia was confident:

"We have Jiang Chen and Sister Ying in our town. Now I also have epic heroes. Am I still afraid of them?"

Seeing that An Chuxia had made up her mind, An Luoxi did not force it, and just handed over a token with the word "Qian" engraved on it.

An Chuxia was surprised: "A city relocation order?"

An Luoxi nodded:

"As far as I know, many well-informed lords in your county have already prepared the order to move the city!"

"Of course, the dwarf palace cannot be given up easily. This city relocation order is just for emergencies!"

Jiang Chen finally strengthened the materials.

"Build the Fountain of Life!"

"Finish at once!"

"The Fountain of Life is upgraded to level 3!"

Jiang Chen raised the Fountain of Life to level 3 in one step.

A total of 78 million spirit stones and 1.3 million energy were consumed.

The level 3 spring of life is ten meters in diameter, and the outer wall of the pool is surrounded by white stones of life.

The spring water is light green, exuding terrifying vitality.

Even within 10 meters of the surrounding area, there is a thick Yun Qi.

[Fountain of Life](Legend)

Effect ①: Units within 10 meters of the Fountain of Life can quickly recover from injuries, replenish spiritual power, and repair souls.

Effect ②: Any unit except the lord can be resurrected through the fountain of life after being killed. The cost of resurrection is related to the strength of the resurrected unit, the integrity of the corpse (if there is no corpse, it will be resurrected at full price), and the level of the fountain of life. Level 3 Fountain of Life, each unit can be resurrected 4 times per day.

Effect ③: Without damaging the foundation of the fountain of life, 1 bottle of [Source of Life] and 10 bottles of [Water of Life] can be produced every day.

[Life Essence]: Contains the powerful power of the origin of life. Taking it by lords can improve their qualifications; taking it by heroes and soldiers can improve their quality. (No additional energy consumption required)

[Water of Life]: After drinking, the effect is equivalent to being within the range of the Fountain of Life for 100 seconds.

"You can be resurrected 4 times a day! It's so powerful!"

"This is only the level 3 fountain of life!"

Jiang Chen praised:

"It's not in vain that I spent a lot of spiritual stones and energy!"

"Moreover, there is also the source of life..."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and a small bottle of turquoise liquid appeared in his hand, like an imperial jade, crystal clear and dazzling.

It is the source of life!

Without hesitation, he opened the bottle cap and drank it in one gulp.